Please CLICK the ISP Name to view further details or visit its website. Fields displaying a ? sign exist for data that an ISP has not made clear. We also split our summary into two separate lists (select below).
Coverage: National (UK)
Network(s): Openreach
Coverage: National (UK)
Network(s): Openreach, Cityfibre, Full Fibre Limited
Coverage: England - Lancashire , Cumbria , Yorkshire , Norfolk , Suffolk , Essex , Cheshire , Northumberland
Network(s): B4RN
Coverage: England - Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Herefordshire, North Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Cheshire
Network(s): Zzoomm
Coverage: National (UK)
Network(s): Openreach, Call Flow (Trooli), Cityfibre
Coverage: National (UK)
Network(s): Virgin Media, Nexfibre
Pricing Policy: The monthly price will increase in April each year by £3.50
Coverage: National (UK)
Network(s): Cityfibre, ITS Technology, MS3
Network(s): Cityfibre, OFNL (GTC / BUUK)
Coverage: National (UK)
Network(s): Openreach, Cityfibre, MS3
Coverage: England - Essex, Cheshire, Derbyshire, Gloucestershire, Lincolnshire, Yorkshire
Network(s): Digital Infrastructure
Avg. Speed
1600 - 2300Mbps
Coverage: National (UK)
Network(s): Openreach, Cityfibre, Full Fibre Limited
Coverage: England - East Yorkshire (Hull)
Network(s): Connexin
Coverage: National (UK)
Network(s): Openreach
Pricing Policy: Prices rise each year on 31st March by £3 for broadband, £2 for TV and £1.50 for mobile.
Coverage: England - London
Network(s): Community Fibre
Pricing Policy: Prices normally increase every April by £2, but is currently fixed price until March 2026
Coverage: England: York
Network(s): UK Fibre Networks
Information Key
Price: Monthly fee charged for the listed package, including VAT @ 20% and any Line Rental charge. The price reflects any special offer discounts that last for the whole contract term
Setup: One-off cost that includes any install and activation charges etc.
Avg. Speed: Average advertised download speed, as measured at peak time according to ASA rules (
here). In some cases an ISP may fail to include an 'average' and so we will attempt to estimate it
Speed (UP): Average advertised upload speed
Usage: Total amount of GigaBytes you can download per month (FUP = Fair Use Policy). Offpeak periods usually include the late afternoon, night and or weekends
Contract: The length of time, in months, you commit to a service before you can leave
Additional Information
Most ISPs charge an extra 'Connection Fee' of around £25-100 when taking broadband for the first time; a small fee can also apply when switching between ISPs. Many extra costs can also be hidden, more on those here:
Exposing Hidden and Confusing UK Broadband ISP Charges.
Note, we try to make sure that all of the prices displayed include VAT at 20%, though some ISPs conceal this information.
Broadband speed will vary depending on certain factors such as ISP network congestion, home network congestion, fair use policies (FUP) and router capability etc.
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