Please CLICK the ISP Name to view further details or visit its website. Fields displaying a ? sign exist for data that an ISP has not made clear. We list the fastest package costing closest to £30 per month from each ISP (benchmark).
Fixed Wireless Access
Coverage: England - Kent
Fixed Wireless Access
Coverage: England - Sussex
Coverage: Public WiFi Hotspots in the UK + Ireland + International Roaming
Fixed Wireless Access
Coverage: England - North Yorkshire, Northumberland
Data Usage
Unlimited (FUP)
Fixed Wireless 4G Fixed Wireless 5G
Coverage: National (UK)
Fixed Wireless Access
Coverage: Wales - Carmarthenshire , Pembrokeshire
Fixed Wireless Access
Coverage: England - Derbyshire , East Midlands
Fixed Wireless Access
Coverage: England - Suffolk
Data Usage
Unlimited (FUP)
Fixed Wireless Access
Coverage: Scotland - Oban (Morvern)
Fixed Wireless Access
Coverage: England - Yorkshire - Reeth , Swaledale , Arkengarthdale
Data Usage
Unlimited (FUP)
Fixed Wireless Access
Coverage: Scotland - Ayrshire , Isle of Arran
Data Usage
Unlimited (FUP)
Fixed Wireless Access
Coverage: England - Herefordshire
Fixed Wireless Access
Coverage: England - Norfolk , Suffolk
Fixed Wireless Access
Coverage: Northern Ireland - Greater Belfast, Lisburn, North & South Down, County Armagh, County Antrim, Mid Ulster and County Fermanagh
Fixed Wireless Access
Coverage: England - Norfolk , Suffolk , Cambridgeshire
Information Key
* Price: Monthly fee charged for the listed package, including VAT @ 20%
* Setup: One-off cost, usually combines the cost of hardware and installation
* Speed (DL): Maximum download speed in Megabits per second (Mbps)
* Speed (UP): Maximum upload speed in Megabits per second (Mbps)
* Usage: Total amount of GigaBytes you can download per month (FUP = Fair Use Policy)
* Contract: The length of time, in months, you commit to a service before you can leave
* Technology: The type of wireless technology used for your connection
Additional Information
We strongly recommend that readers take the time to visit and read through our
Wireless Broadband Technology page, which explains a lot about the advantages and disadvantages of picking a fixed wireless broadband solution.
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