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31st May, 2015 (0 Comments)

Just a quick mention to say that our ISP Complaints and Advice (‘Complaints’ in the top navigation bar) section has just been rewritten and its style has been integrated into the current layout.

7th April, 2015 (5 Comments)

Sigh, it happened again, I was in the middle of streaming a movie over the home WiFi network while simultaneously making toast in the kitchen, and suddenly it stopped. Moments later a little icon pops up to torment me with the news, “Internet Connection Lost!“, it exclaims while clearly oblivious to my snorting sounds of frustration. Where did it go? Who took my Internet? And if its lost, how can I find it again?

2nd April, 2015 (4 Comments)

Getting the data size or Internet transfer speed measurement for Megabits and MegaBytes or Gigabits and GigaBytes back to front is an easy mistake, albeit one that seems to have become increasingly common. But it’s also an error that gives an entirely different meaning to what you’re trying to say, so why do so many organisations and people get it wrong?


27th July, 2014 (62 Comments)

Do we really need 1Mbps, 10Mbps, 100Mbps or even 1000Mbps (1Gbps) of Internet download and upload speed to enjoy the online world? It’s an interesting question and one with many different answers, usually depending upon both your perspective and personal expectations. But how much Internet speed is really enough?

9th July, 2013 (10 Comments)

Temperatures in some parts of United Kingdom are beginning to creep past 30c and this means that some of you, the unfortunate few, might be having the occasional problem with overheating broadband ISP routers and modem devices. So here are a few quick tips for avoiding this problem.

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