The results from 1,200 consumers to’s latest reader poll has found that 41.6% of UK based respondents continue to be “unhappy” with their current broadband ISP, with familiar concerns over poor internet speeds and reliability being among the biggest gripes.
An identical question, which was asked at the start of last year, reported that 44.5% of people were “unhappy” with their existing provider. The result represents a slight improvement in customer satisfaction over the past year. Unfortunately concerns about broadband speed and service reliability continue to be familiar problem areas.
How much do you pay just for broadband (monthly) – pick closest?
£20 or more – 53.5%
£15 – 22%
£10 – 14%
£0 to 5 – 7.4%
Don’t Know – 3%Are you happy with your ISP?
Yes – 58.3%
No – 41.6%Which aspect of your ISP makes you least happy?
Speed – 40.2%
Reliability – 17%
None – 14.5%
Price – 13.7%
Support – 7.3%
Service Restrictions (fup) – 7%Will you switch ISP in 2013?
Maybe – 35.8%
Yes – 32.3%
No – 31.8%
It’s worth noting that Ofcom’s most recent Consumer Experience Report, which sadly only covers the 2011 period, found that just 7% of broadband consumers, including those with bundles, actually did switch ISP. This figure is naturally higher in’s study because many readers will be visiting to hunt for information on new ISPs, which usually occurs prior to a swap.
But it’s pleasing to see that consumer broadband satisfaction appears to be on the rise. We suspect that this can be at least partly attributed to the growing uptake of superfast broadband in 2012, which has combined with Ofcom’s earlier efforts to clamp down on customer service woes at TalkTalk and other providers, to produce a slight improvement.
But we shouldn’t allow ourselves to become complacent, especially while so many consumers still continue to express dissatisfaction. Plenty of room for improvement still exists, such as through Ofcom’s forthcoming efforts to enhance the ISP switching process (we should have more information on that very soon).
This month’s new survey asks whether or not you think big ISPs still mislead consumers in their broadband adverts? Vote Here.
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