Sheffield-based Internet and phone provider PlusNet has announced that it will open a new office in Leeds (England) during October 2013 that should, over the next three years, result in the creation of at least 250 new jobs (making for a total of 1100 employees by 2016).
It’s understood that PlusNet will be taking over all three floors of the Marlborough Street building (32,000 sq ft), which is currently undergoing a refurbishment effort worth £2 million, as its single tenant.
Jamie Ford, Plusnets CEO, said (Insider Media):
“By the end of March 2014, we aim to have up to 100 people working from the Leeds site, largely within customer operations. Sheffield will remain our flagship building and our only 24/7 operation for the time being. The intention is that both sites will grow over the coming years.
The new building gives us extra resilience as a business and I am happy that this site reaffirms Plusnet’s commitment to Yorkshire.”
The ISP and BT sibling claims that, aside from needing to support its growing customer base, there was a need to have a second non-Sheffield site to help ensure business continuity in case of emergency situations (e.g. power cuts and storm disruption etc.). Credits to Thinkbroadband for spotting this first.
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