City focused full fibre ISP Hyperoptic has today followed last month’s news of a major £250m funding boost (here), which will help them to reach 2 million UK premises with 1Gbps capable FTTP / FTTB broadband in time for the end of 2022, by appointing Boris Dragovic as their new Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer.
Boris is said to have previously served as Senior Vice President at McKinsey & Company’s Recovery and Transformation Services and a leader of High Tech, Media and Telecom Practice, where he advised telco clients globally on defining and executing their strategies.
On top of that has a BSc in Computer Science from University College London and holds a PhD in the Field of Mobile Computing, Telecommunications and Information Security from the University of Cambridge. Suffice to say that this should make him a good fit to help support Hyperoptic’s network, which already covers 500,000 premises (mostly homes) in multiple UK cities (expected to reach 50+ cities and towns by Q1 2019).
Dana Tobak, CEO of Hyperoptic, said:
“Hyperoptic has hugely grown over the last five years. The recent £250 million we secured in funding is going to fuel another period of fast expansion of both our network and team. Boris will ensure that we scale and employ capital efficiently and effectively. Hyperoptic’s successful growth is not just great for us – ultimately it means that we can Gigabit Britain faster!”
Meanwhile Boris said that Hyperoptic is an ISP that sits “in the right place at the right time,” indeed until recently it was the largest “full fibre” (FTTP/B) style gigabit broadband provider in the UK, although Openreach now seems to be deploying FTTP at a more rapid pace and has recently overtaken them after finally waking up to the calls for more fibre.
The new strategy boss said he would now be looking to implement “new internal structures, processes and ways of working“, whilst at the same time pledging to keep a “firm hold” of Hyperoptic’s founding “entrepreneurial spirit“.
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