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My Fibre Limited Moots FTTH Broadband Network for Rural Wales

Thursday, Jul 11th, 2019 (1:31 pm) - Score 1,821

Dorset-based My Fibre Limited, which describes itself as a “mechanical or industrial engineering” company that runs some Dark Fibre networks, has proposed to extend their network and may build an ultrafast Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) broadband ISP service for a rural community in mid-Wales.

At present the company mostly seems to operate a few niche Dark Fibre networks for film production facilities and academic institutions in London and the South East of England. A website domain does exist for My Fibre Limited (http://www.myfibre.co.uk) but it seems to be parked in a holding page and their LinkedIn profile doesn’t tell us much either.

The company has also put in a related application for Code Powers from Ofcom (i.e. speeds up deployment by reducing the number of licenses needed for street works), which reveals a little bit more information about their plans for the future but not a lot.


My Fibre Limited’s Future Plan

The Applicant seeks Code powers to facilitate the expansion of its network, on public highways, on behalf of existing and potential new customers. Its expansion plans include:

• Extension of existing campus networks to off-site premises and also to local communities and businesses;

• Extension of an existing non-campus based private broadband network; and

• Deployment of a Fibre to the Home (FTTH) network to a hard-to-reach rural community in mid Wales utilising funding under the Government’s Rural Broadband Infrastructure Scheme. Subject to its success, the Applicant proposes to extend the network to surrounding communities.

The RBIS is part of the Rural Development Programme for England (details), which has been handing out funding from a £75m investment pot in order to help rural businesses and communities to build 30Mbps+ capable superfast broadband ISP networks in poorly served areas. The funding provisioned under this must be “used to support full fibre wherever possible.

Apparently My Fibre also intend to use Openreach’s existing ducts for its network expansion via their Physical Infrastructure Access (PIA) product, at least they will do in locations where it makes sense. Otherwise there’s not a lot of information available but the company’s accounts appear to be in a refreshingly healthy state.

By Mark Jackson
Mark is a professional technology writer, IT consultant and computer engineer from Dorset (England), he also founded ISPreview in 1999 and enjoys analysing the latest telecoms and broadband developments. Find me on X (Twitter), Mastodon, Facebook, BlueSky, Threads.net and .
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8 Responses


  1. Avatar photo Gary says:

    Good for them. If they can provide connections at a decent cost and quality and OR don’t want to.

    All these alt providers nibbling at the FTTP market and thus Openreach market share just reminds me of the early internet in the UK when BT group stubbornly fought to maintain the per min charging for dialup, opening the door for competition and losing business.

  2. Avatar photo AnotherTim says:

    It is good that companies want to tackle rural communities. However, I do worry that we will end up with a very fragmented coverage with small local monopolies – where prices vary hugely from area to area, and with no option of moving to an alternative ISP. At least the Openreach network is wholesaled which gives some choice, and therefore price competition.

    1. Avatar photo Matthew says:

      Hmm i understand what you are saying and to some degree I agree but think eventually a big company might end up buying out some of the smaller rural FTTP companies as BT start to target similar areas at moment i think even if we have monopolies it will at least get people connected first get these people connect after that we can worry about pricing.

    2. Avatar photo AnotherTim says:

      To be honest, I think we do need to start worrying about price differences (as well as availability). Already there are areas with 1Gbps (burst) business lines with a guaranteed 200Mbps on offer for £199+VAT per month, while in other areas a 900Mbps line with contention and no guaranteed speed costs >£470+VAT. That is a big difference, and domestic lines have a similar price disparity. The first ISP to cover an area has a first-mover advantage, and can set a high price. Subsequent companies would have to gain market share using lower prices. If it takes a decade for the first ISP to build into an area with the advantage that being first brings, then I can’t see any other ISPs following any time soon.
      And yes, the small companies will be bought out, but that won’t help competition.

    3. Avatar photo A_Builder says:


      I agree there is bound to be a wave of consolidation and that won’t be bad thing if it is done right.

      Someone is bound to figure out how to build a network of networks at an attractive price out of the bits and pieces.

      Prices will be pulled down in the overlapped areas by competition.

      The main thing is that a lot of FTTP is going in the ground now and that is what is needed for consumers, businesses and UK plc.

      Good luck to them.

    4. Avatar photo AnotherTim says:

      I can’t help fearing that the FTTP consolidation will end up being very similar to the cable TV consolidation – a monopoly covering half of the country, and no coverage at all for the other half.

  3. Avatar photo Optimist says:

    Where is this rural community? Why is a Wales being funded from a programme earmarked for England?

  4. Avatar photo Michael V says:

    As long as they get it right, i think they should come to Wales & build a ftth network.

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