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Octopus Energy Users Offered £200 Amazon Voucher for Taking Cuckoo Broadband

Tuesday, Feb 4th, 2025 (11:15 am) - Score 2,280

Internet provider Cuckoo, which is the full fibre (FTTP) retail broadband ISP for the consolidated AllPoints Fibre (Fern Trading) network and also offers packages via Openreach and CityFibre’s networks, has today launched a new offer that rewards existing Octopus Energy customers – who switch to their service – with a £200 Amazon gift card.

The deal is only available through ‘Octoplus’, Octopus Energy’s rewards scheme. In short, for a standard 24-month contract, customers signing up for full fibre speeds of 150Mbps under this offer will receive a £100 gift card, for 500Mbps it’s a £150 gift card, and for a blazing 900Mbps a sizeable £200 gift card.

NOTE: Octoplus is the scheme that rewards Smart Meter using customers for making the grid greener (i.e. get paid for using less energy during certain time periods).

To join ‘Octoplus’, customers must receive electricity from Octopus Energy, have a functioning electricity smart meter that provides half-hourly readings and pay via Direct Debit. Business customers and smart prepayment customers can also join ‘Octoplus’.


Paul Hellings, CEO of Cuckoo, said:

“We’re proud to partner with the amazing Octopus, a company as obsessed with customer service as we are.

As Octopus did, my team is tearing up the outdated broadband rulebook, and delivering blazing speeds with no-nonsense customer service. Great deals are just the beginning.

This deal with Octopus Energy, uniquely available through the ‘Octoplus’ app, helps establish Cuckoo as a major broadband player as we look to realise our ultimate vision in becoming the UK’s most recommended way to connect.”

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By Mark Jackson
Mark is a professional technology writer, IT consultant and computer engineer from Dorset (England), he also founded ISPreview in 1999 and enjoys analysing the latest telecoms and broadband developments. Find me on X (Twitter), Mastodon, Facebook, BlueSky, Threads.net and .
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11 Responses


  1. Avatar photo NE555 says:

    Even though I already am using Openreach FTTP, their checker says Cuckoo isn’t available to me (and won’t show me package prices).

    The pricing is hard to find, but it’s here: https://www.cuckoo.co/legal/price-list

    Although the 12 month and 24 month contracts have the same starting price, only the 24 month contract increases by £3 each April, making it far more expensive than the 12 month. That’s weird, and not the transparent pricing that you’d expect from a company associated with Octopus.

    1. Avatar photo Andrew says:

      I just checked for me, and I can see it shows very clearly the price now, and the price from April 2026 is in a font only marginally smaller than the current price, but extremely obvious. In every case I can see the 12 month contract is more expensive (for Openreach lines).

      24 Month contract :
      150Mb £32
      500Mb £37
      900Mb £43
      +£3 to each of those prices from April 2026.

      whereas the 12 month contracts are :
      150Mb £41 (£9 more)
      500Mb £47 (£10 more)
      900Mb £51 (£8 more)

      It looks to me like their legal page is out of date or incorrect.

  2. Avatar photo Ad477k says:

    I can’t access octoplus as it needs a smart meter and even if I could, and with £200 Amazon voucher, I am happy with who I am with and have no plans on changing from Zzoomm, okay, that do depend on what happens now that Zzoomm and full fibre have merged.

    1. Avatar photo Jonny says:

      Another timely dispatch from Adrian telling us about things he isn’t interested in, keep them coming please.

    2. Avatar photo Big Dave says:

      They’re not especially cheap either and at my address they are showing asymmetric speeds that correspond to to an Openreach connection rather than an Swish XGS-PON one.

    3. Avatar photo Ad47uk says:

      @Big Dave, yep, their 500Mb/s cost slightly more than what I am paying and only have it cost more than what I am paying and only have 70Mb/s upload, that is hell of a difference.
      that is on the openreach network. I don’t mind Octopus, I have been with them for a fair while now, but i am fine with where i am.

  3. Avatar photo Nick Fox says:

    Nothing mentioned about existing customers being moved to Cuckoo from the previous incarcerations of ISP’s Giganet, Jurassic Fibre and Swish Fibre, or if anything for those customers who may be Octopus customers already. I am one, being transferred to Cuckoo.
    Cuckoo does not seem to publish how many broadband customers it has, only quotes how many potential customers who are in an area where City Fibre are ready for service etc.
    Cuckoo might get a larger customer base if it stated on their website that’s it’s part of the Octopus Family Group. (Albeit via Fern Trading- the investment vehicle for Octopus Investments – the owners of Octopus Energy)
    No doubt at some point in the future, Cuckoo might be rebranded as Cuckoo Powered by Octopus Energy.Interesting times ahead no doubt with more mergers of Alt Nets.

    1. Avatar photo Billy Shears says:

      incarnations. Keep an eye on that autocorrect:-)

    2. Avatar photo A Nonny Mouse says:

      Smacks of desperation trying to get the Cuckoo customer numbers up. There’s clearly must have also been a realisation that dropping the geographic-specific Jurassic Fibre branding in the Southwest would have a negative impact, as well over a year on that brand is still being promoted in the area, and the website is fully active – you’d have expected it to redirect to Cuckoo by now.
      An actual office, and actual people, in the region was/is a significant selling point.

      The Octopus link isn’t being made strongly, as protection of that brand is very important to Greg and co. Plus, Octopus Energy is very much independent of the rest of the businesses now. Other than the Kraken product being sold to Fern Fibre Trading.

  4. Avatar photo L8Again says:

    As an Octopus Energy customer from Day 1 (almost) they started off with stellar customer service and innovative money-saving tariffs. It took years for other energy suppliers to wake up to what was happening. Octopus Energy is now the largest energy supplier in the UK. It doesn’t usually link up with third-parties that it expects to falter: why would it? Other ISPs need to take note.

    1. Avatar photo Rik says:

      It’s not a third party though. Fern trading are Octopus are they not?

      Also, isn’t this the same Octopus that angered a load of Shell energy customers by binning them off to Talktalk as they didn’t want to do broadband?

      And didn’t Cuckoo also bin off a load of customers to Talktalk? Sorry, but in my mind, you’d have to be cuckoo to go to Cuckoo.

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