BTOpenreach, which manages access to BT’s national UK phone and broadband network, has invited ISPs to join its new 3 month proof of concept trial that aims to make providers and their customers more aware of when a Major Service Outage (MSO) has been caused by cable theft. Indeed it’s already helped police to make several arrests.
The trial stems from the development of a new tool that monitor’s BT’s network to identify related incidents, which are then reported to the police. Openreach suggests that the same data could also help ISPs to manage associated faults, thus keeping customers better informed.
BTOpenreachs Statement
It is with this in mind that Openreach is proposing a 3 month trial commencing 12 July to notify incidents in a limited geography with a view to roll out at a later stage if successful. The incidents in scope to be notified are cable thefts and third party damage and the information shared will include the post codes of the affected end users. Using this information the CPs could identify their customers and manage any faults differently when they are first reported.
Certainly any tool that helps to keeps consumers better informed about related incidents is to be welcomed. ISPs are free to join the trial at any date of their choosing, provided they do so before it ends on 5th October 2012 of course 🙂 .
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