Mobile giant Vodafone UK has just reported their latest results to the end of June 2015 (Q2), which reveals that their fixed broadband customer base has increased by +4,000 to total 70,000 and 4G subscribers have grown from 3M in Q1 to 4.7M now, with related outdoor network coverage reaching 68%.
At this point it’s important to stress that the bulk of those 70,000 fixed broadband customers come from Vodafone’s corporate / enterprise base and not their new consumer home broadband service.
Vodafone has previously informed that the 70k figure does not represent their subscriber total, although they’ve refused to tell us what that figure is so we have little choice but to focus on the data they do release.
In any case Vodafone’s new consumer home broadband (Vodafone Connect) product was only launched in June 2015 (here) and it currently has limited coverage, although the service is expected to become available nationwide by the end of this summer. The TV service is also still on track to launch by the end of 2015, although details remain thin.
Readers can find a bit more detail in the operators Financial Trading Update document and we’ve pasted some interesting KPIs below, which gives a bit more detail on their 4G progress and customer data consumption.
In our view the operator still isn’t doing enough to promote their Vodafone Connect service and indeed we’ve heard virtually nothing about it since launch, which compares poorly with the almost weekly promotions of their bigger rivals. On the other hand it seems likely that Vodafone will want to wait until the service has nationwide coverage before giving it a serious push.
Elsewhere Vodafone’s CEO, Vittorio Colao, has renewed his calls for BT to be split up and they’ve also become one of the first rivals to say that they would be willing to put money into a separate Openreach: “We would be prepared to put equity in a vehicle that could deliver fibre to us and also other companies, whether it is an independent Openreach or a similar vehicle,” said Colao.
Colao further suggested that a separated Openreach should focus on building a new network infrastructure, which could bring fibre optic cables all the way to homes and businesses (Fibre-to-the-Home / Premises (FTTH/P)). “It’s important that the UK gets more fibre and not more expensive football,” concluded Colao with a BTSport jibe. It remains to be seen whether Ofcom agrees or not.
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