A team of documentary makers from the EU have published a lovely video that examines the excellent work being done by the Balquhidder Community Broadband project (CIC), which is currently rolling out a new 1Gbps FTTP broadband ISP network to serve all 197 premises in the remote rural Balquhidder area.
We’ve already written about the Balquhidder project earlier this year and so won’t repeat ourselves (here). The deployment itself is expected to cost about £430,000, with £100k coming from local ISP Bogons, plus £175K from Stirling Council and some extra joint funding with them and the LEADER EU scheme of £30K. The remaining shortfall of £130,000 could be tackled by the new Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme (c.40-50 businesses in the area should qualify for this).
Richard Harris, BCB Director and Founder, said: “Given that we’ve had a useful amount of EU funding (via LEADER) for our project, they sent a film crew along to make a couple of documentaries about us, where we’ve got to and where we’re going in future.”
Needless to say that the video is well put together and well worth a watch to see all of the good work being done in the area.
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