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Pictured – UK ISP Sky Broadband’s New SR203 Wireless Hub Router UPDATE

Thursday, Jun 20th, 2019 (10:26 am) - Score 76,019

Customers taking part in Sky Broadband’s new SOGEA product trial are also being provided with a new router (SR203), which is probably the long awaited successor to their current Sky Q Hub (ER110) device and will most likely be shipped alongside future G.fast and FTTP based “ultrafast broadband” packages (possibly FTTC).

Sky first confirmed that they were developing a new router last year but they’ve refused to say anything more since then, although we’ve long assumed that it would surface alongside their future Openreach based Sky Ultrafast Broadband packages (currently expected to arrive around the very end of 2019).

Not long ago we became aware that Sky had started shipping a new router alongside their Single Order Generic Ethernet Access (SOGEA) product trial. For those who aren’t familiar with SOGEA, this is the new Openreach product that allows copper and hybrid fibre connections to be sold as broadband-only services (i.e. no analogue phone / voice product), although you can still optionally add a phone service later via VoIP.


The good news is that we now know a little more about Sky Broadband’s new “Sky Broadband Hub” thanks to a leak of some details into our inbox. At this stage the information is limited but the new router is of a similar size to the current Sky Q Hub, albeit with 4 x Gigabit LAN ports (the Q Hub only had two) – one of which is for WAN – and 2 x Telephone ports (almost certainly an ATA for VoIP connection via older analogue handsets).

sky broadband q hub 2 backside

The eagle eyed among you will no doubt spot that one of the two phone ports is marked for use in Italy and Ireland, which suggests that Sky will probably be using the same kit across their various other outlets. Indeed we’ve heard that some users on their 1Gbps package in Ireland have received a router with a similar model code (SR200), although this one seems to be an update of that and the final design may yet change.

A little bit of anecdotal testing suggests that its WiFi performance could be at least comparable to the BT Smart Hub 1/2, although our industry sources have previously indicated to us that Sky were aiming to be a lot faster than that. Naturally it would take some much more rigorous testing in order to establish how fast the new router can really go. We may have some more details later.


UPDATE 21st June 2019 @ 7:13am

As promised we have a few extra details to share, not least the fact that Sky Broadband have now added the “Sky Broadband Hub” (aka – Hub 4) router to their website, which among other things confirms that will be its real name (details). Apparently G.fast customers (yes it’s still coming) can expect to receive a Grey coloured version of this kit, while others will get the Black model (pictured above).

Separately we understand Sky has told their staff that the new Hub is coming “very soon” and has been designed to give customers Sky’s “best WiFi performance ever,” which is something you could say about any new router as they always get faster. The unit also has an extra antenna (total of 8) vs the older Sky Q Hub.

We’ve also had it pretty well confirmed now that ALL “Ultrafast” customers (G.fast/FTTP) will get the new Sky Broadband Hub when that service launches in the near future and all “Superfast” (FTTC / VDSL2) customers who take Sky’s new SOGEA based internet calls (VoIP) service can also expect to receive it, although normal superfast customers will be stuck with the Sky Q Hub unless they upgrade.


Our sources indicate that Sky will position this kit as being comparable in performance to TalkTalk’s Wi-Fi Hub and BT’s Smart Hub 2 routers.

Finally, we’ve been asked about the status of Sky’s long awaited “ultrafast broadband” (G.fast and FTTP) packages. As stated in prior articles, we know for certain that Sky’s FTTP service (Openreach) is due to launch during the second half of 2019 and all of the indications we’ve seen suggest that this will be toward the tail end of the year.

The new router announcement confirms that they will also be launching the Sky Broadband Hub for G.fast lines and we still expect this to arrive sooner than FTTP but Sky could easily launch them together (might make more sense). The “average” advertised speeds for these products will be as follows (we didn’t know for certain about the upload rates until today).

Sky Broadband Ultrafast 1
Download Speed 145Mbps
Upload Speed 27Mbps

Sky Broadband Ultrafast 2
Download Speed 285Mbps
Upload Speed 45Mbps

By Mark Jackson
Mark is a professional technology writer, IT consultant and computer engineer from Dorset (England), he also founded ISPreview in 1999 and enjoys analysing the latest telecoms and broadband developments. Find me on X (Twitter), Mastodon, Facebook, BlueSky, Threads.net and .
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41 Responses


  1. Avatar photo Joe says:

    They must have run the numbers but it surprises me that building 2 phone ports in was the best solution.

    Word on the wifi standard?

    1. Avatar photo j says:

      It’s good. I’m on the trial at the moment and getting 200mbps down and 30odd up, not had any wireless interference at all.

      The only downside to any Sky hub is the inability to easily go in and configure stuff (they don’t like to give router usernames and passwords). The only information printed on the router is WiFi name, password, pin and mac – nothing else. You have to use a my sky app which is not the best.

  2. Avatar photo Mike says:

    At least they put in 4 LAN ports this time.

  3. Avatar photo Bob says:

    I hope it’s better than what I have, my standard Sky router drops out regularly. Sky checks say all is fine yes I am getting near what they say but not the regular dropping out. I wish they would send me a device to test as I have 3 floors and need boosters

    1. Avatar photo James Hopkins says:

      Covering 3 floors with a single router/access point is probably asking quite a lot, we have quite a long house and use a 3 disc BT Whole Home WiFi to provide coverage, works with any ISP, lots of other makes, i.e. Linksys etc that do similar wifi mesh solutions.

    2. Avatar photo Joe says:

      mesh or powerline solves most issues; sometimes as in my case you need both (and indeed some cat6) to get everywhere…

    3. Avatar photo Mike says:

      You can get powerline adaptors that also do wifi so you get the best of both.

    4. Avatar photo kaitlyn says:

      as others have said, a power line network adapter could well be a much better solution for you, especially if your modem/router is in the ground floor where your demarcation plate is. no single wireless access point is going to be strong enough to reach that far, especially if you have stone or metal in your construction. to get enough power to reach high enough would also inevitably reach very far into your neighbours’ wifi, and then you can start experiencing issues caused by interference between the networks even when you have a strong connection to your base station.

      however, power line ethernet can have much lowered throughput due to noise, as internal power wiring can vary dramatically in quality. this may not be an issue for you if you just want netflix and iplayer, especially if the power line adapter gets you better throughput than wireless struggling to cover three floors.

      but if you do need the full bandwidth, then mesh networking options are definitely the way to go. if you have one mesh access point on each floor, in central locations (not just near the phone line), that should be more than enough. and you could always add more than one per floor if your floors are particularly big and your signal is still poor in certain areas. the main thing to bear in mind is to put the mesh hardware somewhere the signal is already strong, because it can only extend at the quality it’s receiving. but with some planning, you can easily reduce the distance to the nearest wireless access point from hundreds of metres in some parts of the house, to always being within a few dozen metres for strong and solid connection. and because each mesh node isn’t trying to cover the entirety of your house all by itself, there is going to be less signal overlap with your neighbours and be more reliable for that reason too.

      but yes, for more humble home networking needs, a power line adapter is usually fine. the main thing you might notice from a noisier line (it usually gets worse the more things are using electricity on the circuit, too) is real-time applications like a skype call could break up more frequently, than with a robust wireless mesh. but again, either way would almost certainly be better than your 1-bar of wifi on the top floor currently is.

  4. Avatar photo Darrell says:

    We cant get more than 4 meg atil waiting for outreach to connect fibre optic hanging kn pole 2 nearly 3 years

    1. Avatar photo Dan says:

      I had the same problem, I had 2mb adsl ‘broadband’ I can see 3 overhead fibre cables outside my house and I have a green box on my property but they still wont connect me; ‘too far from the exchange’ they say yet my neighbours down the road have it… I got and unlimited data sim from three for £20 per month and now dont bother to argue getting fibre installed as I get about 45mb over 4g which is great for me – it’s cheaper too.

    2. Avatar photo kaitlyn says:

      i was in a very similar situation, i wrote my own comment about it (currently at the bottom of the webpage for me.) it might shed some light on things that may also apply to both of you. put simply, your house may not connect to the same cabinet as your neighbours, it may not even connect to a cabinet at all. being close together on the street has very little to do with how the phone line got laid out. i hope this helps, even if it doesn’t resolve anything.

  5. Avatar photo Marty says:

    It remains to be seen but hopefully the wifi is a lot better with more antenna and a better 5ghz signal than the last outing.
    The only annoying thing about this to me is a lot more providers are determined to lock down there router so you can’t use your own equipment.

  6. Avatar photo Tom says:

    Why does it seem all UK providers are relying on a modem + separate wifi router?

    In other countries I often see a fibre all in one router that just takes the fibre cable in directly. They seem to perform well and obviously it’s preferable to the majority of consumers as they won’t have two big boxes.

    1. Avatar photo Joe says:

      That will come in time.

    2. Avatar photo John says:

      That’s OK if the fibre is terminated where you want to site the router. Otherwise, two boxes is the best answer.

    3. Avatar photo Joe says:

      Cost/simplicity leads to one as the better solution for most cases so thats where we’ll end up

    4. Avatar photo Meadmodj says:

      I prefer separate modem (based on broadband technology), router (ISP specific) and separate WIFI so that each can be upgraded at the appropriate time. For current DSL services perfectly good ISP routers are being changed out every 12/18 months as we seek the cheapest broadband. The user has to reconfigure their devices each time and it is not ecological. I know the ISPs have significant purchasing power, its good advertising, a way of getting the latest kit cheap but we are still paying for this waste. If we do have to have combined units from ISPs can we ensure they can be locked down to their basic network connectivity please.

    5. Avatar photo Meadmodj says:


    6. Avatar photo kaitlyn says:

      it’s mostly about costs and service uptake. these ISP-supplied routers are built to a price, and if most of their customers are still using ADSL only, they don’t want to spend on having a VDSL modem inside every box.

      the cost per unit of the VDSL modem is lowered by making it standard, but until you reach a critical mass of service adoption, that still ends up costing the ISP’s hardware department more in total.

      the problem is compounded by the increasing number of hybrid/full fibre services. DOCSIS, g.fast, and FTTP need their own modems, and building all of those capabilities into one box multiplies the issue that many ISPs are already having with VDSL. so they supply a separate modem box suitable for each connection type.

      a lot of this is down to most UK ISPs not running much of their own backend, since they lease network space from openreach. this makes increases/decreases to their hardware cost cause a bigger % change to their budget, and they often try to undercut BT (who own openreach) to get customers, so that price cutting comes out in the access hardware provided to customers. perhaps in the other countries you reference, the ISPs run more of their infrastructure? that would allow them tighter control over which fibre standards they used, and more economies of scale if they’re the principle provider to an area, both allowing for better cost saving to build it all into one box.

      but it’s perfectly possible to have everything in one box in the UK, i myself have a router with integrated ADSL and VDSL modems, which are also higher performance than most ISP-supplied hardware here. of course i still have to connect to a modem via ethernet for other standards, such as my FTTP, but thankfully that’s a cable coming out of the wall just the same as the phone line would be, and so everything in my home is still in one box – it just goes into the WAN port rather than the phone port. and now my router is just a router, it’s not using any modem. some people who buy their own router get one without any integrated modem at all, and actually prefer the modem be separate for that reason (whether it’s a separate box, or hidden away in a conduit for FTTP like where i live), especially since an ISP-supplied modem/router combo sometimes doesn’t let you disable the router part, leading to a double-NAT situation among other issues. but other people have left comments about that already.

  7. Avatar photo David Price says:

    I wish they would send me one……3 bed semi….always dropping out every day…..Sky “pretty please”

    1. Avatar photo someone says:

      i wish they could send me one 3 story building and clocking 5 megabytes with ethernet

  8. Avatar photo Herve Shango says:

    Interesting coming from sky, they’re upping the heat in the british internet space that’s for sure.

    1. Avatar photo CarlT says:

      With a new router? Hmm. If they were to actually start building an FTTP network or selling and aggressively marketing it that’d perhaps change things.

    2. Avatar photo Joe says:

      Well sky will have fttp this yr which wil force plusnet to cover them off which will shake up the fttp market

  9. Avatar photo Chris says:

    Wonder if it’s worth the hassle as I only get 6 Meg’s here be interesting to see if sky send me one lol

  10. Avatar photo CarlT says:

    Hmm. This thing looks like a modem/router. Wonder how FTTP would work through it? The LAN ports don’t exactly look set up to have one be used as a WAN port – all the same colour, etc.

    1. Avatar photo Jonny says:

      Port 4 looks to have ‘WAN’ above it in red

    2. Avatar photo CarlT says:

      Ah-ha! Thank you my man! Duly explained.

  11. Avatar photo Rachel says:

    I’m So sorry no thanks need enough!

  12. Avatar photo Bob de Builder says:

    I would imagine that this router will also enable “Multicast” for the previously announced Sky Q service without the need for a satellite dish.

  13. Avatar photo Jonny says:

    FYI the help pages have been updated, and indicate there are two variants of this device, one of them has a built-in G.fast modem


  14. Avatar photo Roger_Gooner says:

    Dishless Sky Q was announced in January 2017 but is nowhere to be seen. However Sky X might come which needs 10Mbps from any ISP.

  15. Avatar photo Chris says:

    Well, I’m looking to switch to Sky BB but despite my exchange (Upton Park) being enabled since the trial started it hasn’t reached me yet. So I’m suck on the 80/20 option…I get near enough max speed though so can’t complain. My wonder, is if I sign up will I get the new hub or the Q…I do actually use ethernet so I need the 4 ports: wifi sucks for gaming and file transfer. Maybe if I call and beg???

    1. Avatar photo kaitlyn says:

      it might be easier and cheaper to get a gigabit ethernet switch – £15-25. i have a 4-port gigabit ethernet router but still needed even more, and getting the switch was much easier than trying to find an 8-port router. even if i had done so, where would i have gone if i needed more than 8? this way i could run just one cable to the router, tuck the switch away, and use very short self-terminated cables from the switch to all my devices. it’s much more extensible too, since i could just purchase another switch to plug into this one later down the line (two 5-port switches provides the same effective ports as one 8-port does, due to the extra ports used connecting them together).

      the main reason this might not be appropriate for you is if you want to saturate the gigabit connection on more than one device simultaneously. but every individual device gets the full gigabit, and i’ve never had a scenario where i am doing enough on more than one system that it’s actually an issue. plus if you’re using an ISP-bundled router at the moment, its CPU may not be up to the task of that much throughput anyway, regardless of the bandwidth of your wires. but if you’re going client-to-client within devices connected to the switch, sometimes it doesn’t even have to go through your router at all. your router might override that, but it’s perfectly possible to use a switch to directly connect two or more computers to each other, just like you used to have to use a crossover-cable for.

      i don’t know if sky allow you to use your own modem/router, i had plusnet before hyperoptic, and have used my own hardware for both. if sky do allow you to do so, i would highly recommend it if you’re happy spending £100-150. you’re almost always going to get better than what an ISP is willing to spend on a bundled router, even for their “premium” bundled routers like this article is about. i rambled at length about specific ways my router is still better than any ISP-supplied one before trimming for readability, but basically you’re in control and you get a lot of network performance and wireless reliability for the money. and you could easily pick a 4 or 6-port router without having to beg anybody.

      but even with my 4-port router, i still have to use a switch. it just makes sense to use them instead of replacing the whole router (if you’re otherwise happy with your router’s performance, at least). and they let you get more ports than any single home-use router has built in, if you need that many. it’s like an extension cord for your power – do you replace the whole 1-2 plug socket in your wall for a really big one, or do you just buy a 4-way that goes into one plug?

  16. Avatar photo kaitlyn says:

    instead of two different phone ports, hyperoptic’s router uses the standard rj11 port for VoIP service, and they simply provide a cable to plug into your phone’s base in lieu of the BT-plugged one. so it’s rj11 on both sides. of course if you’ve a particularly old phone with a hardwired cable that wouldn’t work, though i imagine one could possibly find a chunky adapter to use on the BT-plug side instead.

    but i use my own router, since it has 5GHz and 802.11ac which hyperoptic don’t (or didn’t when i signed up, anyway) offer, so i chose the package without a phone instead. which is actually cheaper overall, although it didn’t look it on their offers at first, because of the prices having the phone charge added after.

    making it optional, and VoIP, seems eminently sensible. we may have missed the ISDN revolution some other countries had, but maybe we’re not missing this one. interesting that openreach are going to be offering a similar option now with SOGEA, because when i had ADSL waiting for VDSL to arrive (it never did, see below), the necessity for a phone line was quite an annoyance. i basically never used it because i already had a very good deal on a mobile contract from 3. i saw no reason to spend extra for a landline package, or to switch away from a mobile deal i likely couldn’t get back, for the same money but limited just to my flat, albeit with clearer voices. the landline was only there as a requirement to get the broadband.

    but the landline was extra annoying in my specific case, because the number had obviously been assigned to someone else in the area until recently. i got dozens of spam calls a day asking for him, and no amount of demanding to not be called would help, as they didn’t even believe that i had a different address to him – (“is this 0141-xxx-xxxx? yes? then you must be at [address], obviously! let me speak to mr [name]!”). signing up to no-call lists didn’t help either, so they either ignored the lists, or the previous owner of the number had given the number along with permission to call?

    so hyperoptic arrived before VDSL did, and with it i ditched having a landline at all. it made no practical differences to how i made outgoing calls, especially once ofcom legislated mobiles calling 0800 numbers be free, 0845 take minutes the same as a regular call, etc. and i stopped getting the terrible spam calls. presumably someone else activating their phone line for the first time inherited that particular issue from me.

    an aside: VDSL still isn’t available on this end of the street. the checker still said VDSL is “coming soon” last i looked, but it’s said that for 4 years now. the other half of the street has VDSL, but according to openreach engineers (much to their dissatisfaction and mine) this side of the road connects directly to the exchange at great distance (apparently right on the edge of the maximum range. the other half of the street would be beyond the limit, so they got a cabinet). so i only got 3-5Mbps, many many dropped packets, and high effective ping as a result. naturally, FFTC is no good if you don’t have a cabinet in the first place. online games had terrible desync issues on that ADSL connection, and the POTS line had a lot of noise and crackling to boot.

    so, because the checker operates geographically, and the nearest cabinet is indeed hooked up with fibre, it frustratingly concludes VDSL service simply must be coming soon. you’d think openreach could include their network topology in the network checker, but apparently they do not. i can understand operating geographically when told a postcode, but it even does so when you put in your phone number. and anyway, the side of the street that connects directly to the exchange has its own different set of postcodes, so in my particular case it should be able to know either way. if it were programmed better.

    wouldn’t it be good to actually inform people when their connection is physically incapable of FTTC? openreach has the knowledge, after all, but doesn’t program it into the checker for some reason. i assume many other people who comment on this website, that their neighbours only a few houses down the street have VDSL but they can’t, may be in the same situation as me – but the online resources are no help there. and people in call centres seem to only have access to the same information as the online checker, maybe they literally do just use it. it’s only the openreach engineers i spoke to in person who had the information that explained it properly, in my experience anyway.

    i was lucky in some ways, from the viewpoint of information transparency, that my being on the fringe of exchange-only connection ranges caused so many line issues. openreach’s automatic line speed adjustment system (meant to find a stable balance between dropped packets and line speed) repeatedly put me on its lowest stepping – 128kbps, barely twice the speed of dialup. they had to keep dispatching engineers to reset something, so the line optimisation would allow me at least a couple of megabits again. just resetting from their end would quickly plummet in line speed again over a matter of hours, the engineer had to plug his test box in from my end to fix it for a few weeks/months. the bad line caused so many CRC and FEC errors (which at least using my own hardware let me monitor, the ISP’s provided one hid such things), that every few weeks the system would shunt me right down to the lowest stepping to try and fix it. but since they’d still keep piling up and there was nowhere to go beyond the lowest stepping, i would get stuck there at an unusably slow throughput – until another engineer arrived. but that gave me the chance to discuss the network topology and discover the cause, while someone happily getting 16Mbps and watching their netflix and iplayer would have no reason to get an engineer round.

    ironically, hyperoptic told me they hook up their small fibre extension to the very same openreach backbone that FTTC down the street would use. so that means it took the actions of this smallish private ISP to hook me up to the fibre backbone just a few hundred metres down the street – while openreach are apparently held hostage by the topology of their GPO-inherited copper network, laid down before this was even a residential area. some of the engineers found it ironic for another reason, since (most) exchange-only connections were apparently highly valued by enthusiasts in the early days of ADSL for providing a more direct route to the exchange, but now people get very frustrated at having no option to upgrade further.

    1. Avatar photo Delsey says:

      Informative post, but much easier to read if you make use of capital letters in appropriate places and please use shorter sentences.
      You don’t want to waste the time and effort you spent in typing a detailed reply by people being turned off at the lack of reasonable grammar.
      Thank you for the post, though. Very informative.

    2. Avatar photo kaitlyn says:

      delsey – i appreciate that you recognise it took me significant time. i actually spent over an hour editing, removing asides, merging for flow, etc. over half of what i originally wrote got chucked.

      i will alter my usual writing patterns for your sake from here on. I personally find capitalising the start of sentences distracting, rather than improving parseability. I suspect this is a generational thing, as I have been Online since 1999, which predates my earliest memories.

      Actually, I did it just there. I capitalised the start of “online” to give it a different cadence. But by writing as I usually do, the contrast can remain apparent even when it occurs at the start of a sentence. People of my generation do that a lot, especially with words like Actually, Really, and so forth.

      I’m not hugely opposed to writing this way really, but it does feel.. like I’m wearing a necktie, if that makes any sense. I normally only write this way in letters I’m going to print off and sign.

      At any rate, I can appreciate that I caused you difficulty parsing, and I should have kept in mind that I was writing for a wider audience in these comments.

      I also didn’t account for the fact that the comments here are presented in a much larger font than they were in the text editor. I had written it so that each paragraph was 4-6 lines tall, but it became very much taller once published. The font being a very thin sans-serif can also make the text jumble together into one big block. Narrow formatting and a font better suited for short comments (the article itself uses a different font) makes long comments in general less favoured, all else being equal.

      However, and I hope this doesn’t come across as defensive; I am amused that you said my sentences are too long. Almost all of them are 2 or 3 clauses, which is considered a reasonable sentence length. I also kept most of my paragraphs only a few sentences long. But I’ll use new paragraphs a bit more liberally in this comment.

      Back when I was in school, if everything were single-clause sentences it was considered staccato. Similarly, I’ve seen many criticisms of using a new paragraph every other sentence, when strictly they’re meant to group together sentences by similar meaning. So I’m used to only making a new paragraph a few times per “page” when I’m writing up my longer thoughts, but this website doesn’t exactly lay things out like that.

      As an example of an editorial decision I made: The sentence I wrote about being thrown to 128kbps was three clauses, with one of them being nested inside the first clause. I could instead have written “Openreach have an automatic line speed adjustment system. It is designed to find a balance between line speed and dropped packets. It repeatedly put me on its lowest stepping. That was 128kbps. That’s barely twice the speed of dialup”; which splits two of the clauses into multiple smaller clauses. I believe it reads as much clumsier – but if that’s easier for you to parse, that’s valid too.

      All in all, this comments section doesn’t seem the best platform for sharing such knowledge, and after all, most of my comment had nothing to do with a new Sky router. Really it was just the part about SOGEA that got me thinking about my experiences with mandatory line rental.

      Nevertheless, I’m glad you found it informative, even if I don’t intend to change the way I write most of the time. But I can understand why, depending on the target audience, using “proper” capitalisation can be appropriate and I thank you for making me consider that more deeply than I previously had.

  17. Avatar photo Paul Green says:

    Jesus Christ, really??

    1. Avatar photo chris says:

      lol, made my day 🙂

  18. Avatar photo Jamie says:

    I have come here to see what this new hub was about after accidently coming across it on the help section for the Sky website… It came up asking the hub I had, and this was the third option…

    Coming sooner than we thought?

  19. Avatar photo Spudsii says:

    Whats the interface like in the new router ? can anyone post some pics of it please or is it the same as all the rest.

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