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Zzoomm Extend 2Gbps Broadband to Chapeltown in Sheffield UK

Friday, Oct 20th, 2023 (2:01 pm) - Score 1,632

Broadband ISP Zzoomm has today announced that they’ve just started to connect the very first customers to their new multi-gigabit speed Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) network in the large Sheffield (South Yorkshire, England) suburb of Chapeltown.

The rollout in Chapeltown, which appears to be a recent addition to Zzoomm’s deployment plan (we can’t recall covering it before), aims to reach 11,000 premises (homes and businesses) and is currently due to be completed by March 2024. At present their only real gigabit-capable competition in the area comes from Openreach’s new FTTP network, which appears to cover about 60-70% of the area.

NOTE: Zzoomm has largely focused their rollout on smaller towns in parts Berkshire, Oxfordshire, Herefordshire, North Yorkshire, Staffordshire, Wiltshire, Yorkshire and Cheshire.

The operator, which is being fuelled by an equity investment of £100m from Oaktree Capital (here) and a £100m debt facility via an international banking consortium (here), has – based on the last update a few months ago – so far covered 150,000 UK premises (Ready for Service) across 29 locations (an extra 50,000 since February 2023) and they’re also home to over 12,000 customers (up from 3,700 in 2022).


Chris Collinson, Zzoomm’s CCO, said:

“We’re delighted to have seen such a positive response from residents to our bold brand and we are already seeing many of them sign up to our excellent Full Fibre service.

We look forward to installing these new Zzoommers in the coming weeks and welcoming many more from Chapeltown as we progress the build.”

Customers who take the residential service typically pay from £29.95 per month (currently discounted to £19.95) for an unlimited 150Mbps (symmetric speed) package on a 12-month term with an included router, which goes up to just £64.95 (currently discounted to £54.95) if you want their top 2Gbps tier.

Meanwhile, Zzoomm’s original aspiration, which saw them aiming to reach 1 million premises across 85 UK towns with their full fibre network by the end of 2025, still looks to be in some doubt after the operator appeared to slow their build and cut jobs during the spring (here).

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By Mark Jackson
Mark is a professional technology writer, IT consultant and computer engineer from Dorset (England), he also founded ISPreview in 1999 and enjoys analysing the latest telecoms and broadband developments. Find me on X (Twitter), Mastodon, Facebook, BlueSky, Threads.net and .
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12 Responses


  1. Avatar photo Billy Shears says:

    What on earth is that a photo of? Keep zooming out and we’ll keep guessing.

    1. Avatar photo Carlos says:

      Drilling into a wall.

    2. Avatar photo Billy Shears says:

      Oh yes. Thanks. Actually drilling diagonally down into wall/ground. You still win though. Will you be able to attend the award ceremony? We can do it by video link if the date/location is inconvenient.

    3. Avatar photo Carlos says:

      Washing my hair.

  2. Avatar photo Ad47uk says:

    need to make what they have reliable first, no good being fast if there is no connection.

  3. Avatar photo Zaibatsu says:

    I think UK is the only country in Europe with the most unreliable and expensive internet compared to other European countries. They lied with copper connections for years they kept saying it’s fibre but used garbage copper cables instead not fibre. 60mbps is not exactly fibre with lowest upload speeds ever. Charged tons of money for garbage connections. Even in 2023 you lucky if you can get 100mbps download speeds and upload speeds forget it. Other countries used gig symmetrical for decades at lowest prices. UK is very lucky to have foreign companies now real altnet fibre networks. They did it right from other countries that’s why you have better internet connections now.

    1. Avatar photo Ad47uk says:

      I do agree with you about that calling FTTC fibre was an issue and in my opinion was to try and deceive us, making people think they were getting something great. I suppose compared to ADSL, many were. But this is why some people are staying with FTTC, they are fine with the speed they have, and they think they are already on Fibre.

      Prices are high and no doubt higher than other countries, but you also have to look in real terms. over 20 years ago I was paying £40 a month for a 500Kb/s ADSL connection, now I am paying £24 for a 500Mb/s connection. Even when I was on FTTC, I was paying £24 for a 36Mb/s.

      So most of us do get more for less, unless people go with BT and other expensive services. I know not everyone can get service from an Alt net, but there are providers out there that supply broadband at a decent price if they look around.

      My problem with many is the contract length, 24 months is far too long.

      I do agree with you about the asymmetrical speeds as well, a lot of altnets have symmetrical, well for many people it may not make much difference, to some it will.

      At the moment, I pay a good price for speeds I don’t really need, if it came down to cutting the speed and paying less money, I would take that.

    2. Avatar photo drevilbob says:

      I would look at Germany as a comparison as they are swearing their copper far more than we have.

    3. Avatar photo Mr Smith says:

      @Zaibatsu If you prefer the broadband in European countries you know what you need to do. The UK were the leaders of the world in many areas until the influx.

    4. Avatar photo Mike says:

      Adjusted for inflation internet is a lot faster and cheaper than in the past and the situation on the continent generally means you either get a very good connection or a very bad connection.

    5. Avatar photo Ryszard S. Klanu says:

      No, I disagree. In Poland for example UPC (former Liberty Global) is selling full fibre in two variants: real FTTP (up to 5Gbps) where they built a new network and DOCSIS for existing. It is even called “Fibre Internet” in the contract. “Play” mobile operator was advertising their network “4G ready” and “5G ready” in the past. As you can imagine there was no a single mast supporting one or another. It is the same scam everywhere in the world.

  4. Avatar photo Val Robertson says:

    Hi, I live on a road where Zzoomm are going to install 3 Tower 5G masts in very close proximity to a Mother and baby unit, a primary school, One of Sheffield’s biggest Sheltered Housing schemes, and a playground.
    No-one at any of these affected places knows about the installation.

    Homeowners have received flyers addressed to ‘The internet user, address’

    Does anyone know about the potential risks of these towers please?

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