Posted: 06th Oct, 2007 By: MarkJ
Orange UK is to extend the coverage of its existing GSM mobile phone network into buildings using a combination of femto cells and ADSL broadband:
Pico (or femto) cells offer the opportunity for license-holders to deploy tiny GSM cells. Connected to ADSL lines they can provide low-cost connectivity for any GSM mobile, converting a mobile call to
VoIP while taking load off the operator's network.
Orange wants to see companies who have trouble getting coverage in basements or back offices paying to have a picocell fitted and connected to their broadband to provide the coverage they need.
The firm is keen to emphasise that this will be part of a communications deal and the price will be negotiable.
The Register notes that rival O2 are trialling similar technology, albeit with a view to providing free in-home voice calls and delivery of 3G services such as streaming video and online gaming.