Posted: 02nd Sep, 2009 By: MarkJ
The recent partnership deal between UK ISPs Be Broadband and
Cerberus Networks for business providers has proven to be a success, with 50 resale partners signed up during the first month of the new channel programme being launched. The summer promotion, which offers free set up and up to 2 months free service, is now being extended to the end of September.
Bob Hendy, Director at Cerberus Networks added:
“The response to our recent campaign has been fantastic. We have increased our budgets and extended the promotion to the end of September as the demand has been so high. Partner feedback has been that reduced support overheads and improved performance offer real business benefits for customers.”
Cerberus has also announced increased support opening hours, with further extensions in the pipeline. Out-of-hours support continues to be provided by the fully-featured self-service portal. The reseller programme gives Cerberus access to BE’s advanced 'up to' 24Mbps ( LLU ) ADSL2+ broadband network.
Cerberus Networks provides Internet and managed security services for resellers. Partners are now able to take the benefits of BE’s LLU network to their customers throughout the UK. With over 1200 exchanges enabled, the partnership reaches 80% of the UK population.