Posted: 09th Sep, 2010 By: MarkJ

Several new surveys today have revealed that British people continue to value their broadband ISP connection above almost everything else. A Sky News study of 1,000 people found that, in the harsh economic climate, the last thing somebody would do to save money is give up a pet or their broadband subscription; most would rather cut back on food than lose their internet access.
Research Analyst, Michael Garland, told Sky News:
"Many Sky News Panel respondents indicated increasing concern over the impact that the current economic climate is having on their financial situation. Uncertainty surrounding job security, combined with rising costs for commodities such as food and drink, petrol, and electricity and gas have led to money worries for many, with some reporting increased insomnia, moodiness and even ill health as a result."
A separate study from Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank agreed, finding that 93% of us would only give up broadband as a last resort. Broadband was also rated as one of the most important "
must haves", above cable / satellite TV and holidays in the UK.
Steve Fletcher, Head of Retail Banking at the Yorkshire Bank, said:
"Broadband internet access has clearly become a priority for those homes that have it. The increasing use of broadband for our entertainment - downloading music, viewing film and TV and linking to games consoles, shows a shift in lifestyles generally but is also a possible reflection of cuts in spending on entertainment away from the home."
The two survey results are no longer surprising and have been supported by plenty of other recent research, all of which show that high-speed internet access is now a vital service. Certainly we all love our TV's and iPod's but for most the idea of living without broadband is now almost impossible to conceive. Social networking services, such as Facebook, have had a big part to play in that.