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Ofcom UK Approved Resale of 800MHz Certified Wireless Kit Raises Concern

Posted: 15th Sep, 2011 By: MarkJ
uk lte 3g 4g ofcom mobile broadbandofcom ukThe British Entertainment Industry Radio Group (BEIRG) has warned that the sale Channel 69 (wireless microphone) equipment, which works in the 800MHz band that was in 2009 ordered to be cleared by the communications regulator (i.e. so it could be auctioned for use by next gen Mobile Broadband services next year), is allegedly now being re-sold back to the public through one of Ofcom's own contractors (Equiniti) :confused: .

Ofcom's 2010 Statement on Channel 69

[In 2009] we decided to clear the 800MHz band so it matches the spectrum being released in other European countries. This will benefit people across the UK because the spectrum will be able to be used for new mobile broadband services. Because of this, programme-making and special events (PMSE) users will have to stop using channel 69. To help these users move, we have made a commitment to:

* provide replacement spectrum and maintain PMSE access to channel 69 during the changeover period; and

* provide funding to eligible PMSE users who are affected by us clearing channel 69.

The UK government originally agreed to fund part of the 800MHz clearance but only on condition that Channel 69 equipment be surrendered. BEIRG states that removing said kit from the market is crucial as otherwise it could cause competition concerns.

A BEIRG Spokesperson said (mi-pro):

"A significant amount of equipment has already been sold, and Equiniti are now gearing up their operations to release up to 80,000 channels for use in UK spectrum. Only a fraction of the profit from the sale is going to the taxpayer who financed the scheme – the rest goes directly to Equiniti.

The British Entertainment Industry Radio Group (BEIRG) has repeatedly warned Ofcom about the damage that resale of this equipment could cause to manufacturers, wireless microphone users, and taxpayers. An influx of under-priced equipment, which will not be licensable in just over a year, will grossly distort the UK microphone sale and hire market – and will go against the very purpose of the taxpayer funded scheme."

BEIRG has called on Ofcom to act now and "stop this sale" before any damage is done to the related market and potentially also next year's forthcoming 800MHz auction, though at present the scope for this remains unclear.

Clearance of the 800MHz band itself is due to complete next year and Channel 69 in particular is scheduled to be done by 1st October 2012, though access could be extended to 31st December 2012 at the latest.

UPDATE 15th September 2011

Here's the official Ofcom statement.

An Ofcom spokesperson said:

"Following a competitive procurement process, Ofcom appointed Equiniti to manage the Government funding programme to replace channel 69 wireless equipment which is being cleared from this part of the 800 MHz band for future mobile services.

The majority of any proceeds from sales of equipment is used to offset the cost of the funding scheme, therefore reducing the burden on taxpayers. Any items that are sold are done so clearly on the condition that by 1 October 2012 any UK purchasers either dispose of the equipment under European Waste Electrical and Equipment (WEEE) Directive regulations or convert it to use Channel 38."
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