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Broadband ISPs Giganet and Cuckoo to Create 250 New UK Jobs

Friday, Oct 14th, 2022 (12:01 am) - Score 1,168

Network operator Giganet has today joined forces with its recent consumer ISP acquisition of Cuckoo to announce that the newly merged pair plan to create 250 new jobs to support future growth, as well as the ongoing rollout of their own gigabit-capable Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) broadband network across England.

Giganet, which gobbled rival ISP Cuckoo last month for an undisclosed sum (here), is currently investing £250m via Fern Trading to deploy their own full fibre network to 300,000 premises across poorly served parts of Hampshire, Dorset, Wiltshire and West Sussex (here). On top of that, both providers are also continuing to expand the availability of FTTP via the Openreach and CityFibre platforms in other parts of the country.

NOTE: Fern Trading also backs a number of other full fibre builds from Jurassic Fibre to Swish Fibre, AllPoints Fibre and Vorboss.

The majority of the new roles being announced today will be based out of a series of new customer service hubs across the country, while the remainder will cover technology, marketing, talent, HR and finance. Giganet said they would also be establishing a graduate training programme, building on its existing apprenticeship scheme with Fareham College. Places will be offered for up to 20 graduates over the coming financial year.


To find out more about the roles on offer, visit Giganet Careers and Cuckoo Careers.

Jarlath Finnegan, CEO of Giganet, said:

“We are enormously pleased to be able to make this announcement at a time when the country is financially hurting.

Giganet is growing and these new jobs will help us push forward and bring faster broadband to people being let down by our competitors.”

We should point out that Cuckoo is currently set to become the lead consumer ISP brand for Giganet’s core residential customers.

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By Mark Jackson
Mark is a professional technology writer, IT consultant and computer engineer from Dorset (England), he also founded ISPreview in 1999 and enjoys analysing the latest telecoms and broadband developments. Find me on X (Twitter), Mastodon, Facebook, BlueSky, Threads.net and .
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4 Responses


  1. Avatar photo MoM says:

    If they have anything near me work wise I will take a serious look at applying

  2. Avatar photo keeper says:

    All that talk of “doing what’s right for customers” went to crap when the corporate cheque book came out.

    So the self branded ‘ Consumer clucking Broadband Champion” was just another shake and bake.. Who\d have thought.

    1. Avatar photo Phil says:

      Indeed, and I didn’t believe for one second their marketing and PR about being different etc, they were just playing for customer numbers using some clever marketing and social media tricks in order to eventually sell the brand to someone else.

      They aren’t even an ISP really as they didn’t buy a single bit of networking kit over and above any normal office, they are just reselling someone else’s product.

      We need to support independent real ISPs that have their own kit, connectivity, address space and peering arrangements so we all have a real choice and it keeps up competition. Cuckoo really lived up to their name, they were always masquerading as something they weren’t.

  3. Avatar photo Cheesemp says:

    I’m really hoping the clarification between Giganet and cuckoo comes clear soon. I’m out of FTTC contract for a while now and waiting on Giganet to finish laying fiber down the side of the new forest (Marchwood to Fawley). I’d love to switch to cuckoo knowing I’d be able to switch to say 300Mb once the fiber is available without paying for extra routers/installs etc. Guess by the time they figure this all out i’ll have switched to fiber anyway…

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