Posted: 17th Jan, 2006 By: MarkJ
PlusNet has launched a promotional broadband ADSL package, with 10GB of included data transfer and free phone calls to UK landlines at evenings and weekends. The service costs just £19.99 per month and offers speeds of up to 8Mbps:
At £19.99 per month, PlusNet's promotion is great value. Compared with BT Broadband's surf and talk products, it's £3 cheaper per month, offers higher speeds of up to 8Mb where available, more inclusive usage and lower daytime call rates.
PlusNet's Marketing Director, Neil Armstrong, said "This is an excellent opportunity for families and frequent surfers to get PlusNet's premium quality broadband services at the same time as saving money on their phone bills. BT Broadband customers could be getting a better deal with PlusNet."
Pay As You Go customers who want to use more than the inclusive 10GB can purchase additional bandwidth for £1 per GB.
The offer is open to new and existing customers who order before the end of February.
For more information on this great value offer, visit