Posted: 07th Jul, 2005 By: MarkJ
The latest research from Lloyds TSB highlights how British surfers continue to put themselves at risk of online fraud due to their use of easily guessed passwords:
a fifth of the population (20 per cent) say they have chosen passwords as obvious as their own name and almost three quarters (71 per cent) admit to using the same password for several websites.
The report reveals a fifth of web users (20 per cent) recognise they don't do enough to keep their passwords secure. One in five (20 per cent) have saved their passwords on their computer, potentially leaving them at risk from hacking; a third have written their security details down instead of committing them to memory; one in 10 have given their password to a friend or relative and one in 20 (4 per cent) have stored the information on a mobile phone.
Among the words most commonly used for passwords are; pet name (17 per cent), family names (12 per cent), first names (12 per cent) and birthdays (7 per cent).More @