Posted: 30th Nov, 2004 By: MarkJ
Broadband Industry Group (BIG) has found that BT is still too powerful and continues to have major advantages over its various rivals:
BT still benefits from slicker processes and a greater control over margin levels than its broadband competitors, the industry group said.
Published earlier this year, Ofcoms Strategic Review of Telecoms stated that a competitive and responsive broadband market can only be achieved through a true equality of access.
A spokesman for the Group said: We dont have the luxury of time. Ofcoms intention to revive LLU and the Strategic Review of Telecoms offer the prospect of increased competition in the long term. But in the short term conditions remain tough and we have to resolve the remaining problems with price and process."The item notes that BIG comprises of Cable & Wireless, Centrica, Energis,
Wanadoo, Tiscali and Brightview.