Posted: 16th Jun, 2008 By: MarkJ
O2 has enhanced its mobile wireless data service to iPhone customers by giving them access to more than 3,000 BT Openzone premier
Wi-Fi Hotspots, at not extra cost. The new deal also includes Apple's new iPhone 3G, which will launch in the UK on 11th July 2008.
The addition of BT Openzone to O2s existing arrangement with The Cloud brings the total available public
Wi-Fi hotspots for iPhone customers to over 9,000. Both the iPhone and new iPhone 3G automatically choose the fastest network available and will seamlessly switch to
Wi-Fi when the customer enters either a Cloud or BT Openzone hotspot. The hotspots enable high speed web browsing and access to other data services.
All O2 iPhone customers receive unlimited access to these public
Wi-Fi hotspots as part of their monthly tariff, subject to an excessive use policy.