Posted: 16th May, 2008 By: MarkJ
Vodafone has stopped advertising its '
Mobile Broadband' (3G HSPA) services with a headline rate of 7.2Mbps after rival operator Three (3) complained that it was unachievable (
original news).
Mobile Today reports:
3 registered a complaint with the advertising watchdog [ASA] at the end of April. The operator said that, although the line rate offered by Vodafone may be 7.2Mbps, the maximum download speed is actually only 6.69Mbps.
3 also claims that other factors such as interference, the distance of the dongle from the base station and the interference of voice, video and SMS traffic will reduce the speed further, making speeds of 6.69Mbps very unlikely.
Interestingly the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is not expected to rule on the complaint until June. Vodafone now intends to adopt a more "
mass-market language", whatever that means?