Posted: 17th Mar, 2008 By: MarkJ
Manchester City Council has proposed a new plan for the city that includes a '
Fibre to the Premises' (FTTP) open broadband network. The move, which would be part of Manchester's Digital Strategy, is outlined in more detail below:
This report proposes that Manchester takes a national lead to take advantage of its prime mover position by establishing the UKs first fibre to the premises (FTTP) open network, which would be complemented by advanced wireless connectivity, building on the experience of the award-winning Eastserve initiative in East Manchester.
The proposed network would be developed in phases starting in the Oxford Road Corridor and its wider area of benefit, the Central Manchester Regeneration Partnership area. This will deliver next generation connectivity to residents, businesses and institutions to support job creation, skill development, business growth, transforming public services and digital inclusion.
Further development to expand the network, starting with East Manchester, including the creation of a major Internet Hub supporting a digital/creative industries cluster at Central Park, will be planned concurrently with the Oxford Road Corridor deployment in order to maximise local benefit.
It's also noted that "advanced wireless" services could form an additional part of the plan, although everything is still depending on whether or not the council can secure necessary funding.