Posted: 08th Apr, 2008 By: MarkJ
Phorm has admitted to removing several factual comments about its data pimping service from a related
Wikipedia page. The action, which removed quotes related to The Guardian's pull out of its deal with Phorm and BT's secret 2007 and 2006 trial, went against Wiki's rules on conflicts of interest.
The edits have since been reversed and Phorm has issued a response to
The Register clarifying their motives:
"We let you know yesterday that we had proposed amendments to the Phorm entry on Wikipedia there were several factual inaccuracies that were pointed out to us. Having reviewed our suggested changes with hindsight, we accept that we were a little over zealous in our efforts to make those corrections and that we erroneously removed some relevant items in the editing process. These were quickly reinstated by Wikipedias editors. We will endeavour to make sure that this does not happen in the future."