Posted: 05th Mar, 2008 By: MarkJ
Comparison site
BroadbandChoices has published the results from a customer satisfaction survey of 4,000 households, which asked how happy people were with their choice of ISP.
Plusnet came top in five out of the six categories, not least winning the highest level of satisfaction (88.3%) in
quality and reliability:
The Quality & reliability of your home Internet ServiceWinners - (very satisfied / fairly satisfied)
PlusNet - 88.3%
Pipex - 87.9%
Virgin Media - 83.0%
Sky Broadband - 81.0%
Losers - (fairly unsatisfied / not at all satisfied)
Tesco - 23.8%
Orange - 14.2%
TalkTalk - 13.9%
AOL Broadband - 12.8%
Download times of files and web pagesWinnersPlusNet - 82.9%
Pipex - 74.6%
Virgin Media - 71.1%
Sky Broadband - 69.4%
LosersTesco - 36.5%
Orange - 21.2%
TalkTalk - 19.5%
BT Broadband - 19.1%
The clarity of pricing & billingWinnersSky Broadband - 77.1%
Tiscali - 75.3%
PlusNet - 74.7%
Orange - 73.2%
LosersPipex - 16.7%
BT Broadband - 16.1%
Virgin Media - 11.3%
TalkTalk - 9.2%
After sales supportWinnersPlusNet - 73.9%
Pipex - 66.1%
AOL Broadband - 54.0%
Sky Broadband - 53.4%
LosersOrange - 28.8%
TalkTalk - 27.9%
Virgin Media - 24.4%
BT Broadband - 23.8%
Good value for moneyWinnersPlusNet - 81.1%
Sky Broadband - 75.7%
TalkTalk - 73.7%
Tiscali - 62.4%
LosersBT Broadband - 28.7%
AOL Broadband - 18.4%
Virgin Media -16.5%
Orange - 16.0%
Speed of service activation (after sign-up)WinnersPlusNet - 73.6%
Pipex - 67.7%
Sky Broadband - 66.8%
Virgin Media - 62.6%
LosersTalkTalk - 25.4%
BT Broadband -18.6%
Sky Broadband - 17.0%
Tiscali - 16.2%
The survey does not appear to have included any smaller providers, perhaps because of the small sample size.