Posted: 02nd Nov, 2004 By: MarkJ
Toucan, a UK based home telephone service provider, has given birth to a broadband ADSL and unmetered dialup offering ISP by the imaginative name of
ToucanSurf. Typically this has allowed the provider to bundle voice call options as well:
ToucanSurf options include two Talk n Surf Voice & Broadband bundles, combining unlimited calls to UK landlines with unlimited surfing.
The entry level Talk n Surf broadband bundle offers voice calls plus broadband at 512Kbps, 10 times the speed of standard dial-up, for just £29.99 a month. The second Talk n Surf bundle features 1Mbps broadband 20 times the speed of dial-up for only £34.99 a month.
Toucan Managing Director Joseph Blass commented: ToucanTalk All-You-Can was the UKs first fixed-fee domestic phone service to break the £10 monthly charge barrier. Now, were extremely pleased to be offering a Calls-plus-Broadband package for under £30 a month. And the announcement of the new Talk n Surf bundles means even greater value for our customers.
ToucanSurf is the latest addition to the Toucan range of consumer telecoms services, and includes four core broadband options, ranging from 150Kbps to 1Mbps to meet the needs of every home user, from light surfers to the serious Internet enthusiast. Two 56Kbps dial-up options are also available, together with a Voice/Unmetered Dial-up access bundle for only £19.99 a month.
Marc Bodner, Managing Director of IDT Europe, adds: Its more than five years since Internet access in the home started to become commonplace in the UK. But most providers to date have designed services which are not consumer-friendly. Its time to change that way of thinking and we believe ToucanSurf is making that change happen.
Joseph Blass adds: All six ToucanSurf services are unified by a set of central values. Straightforward pricing and dedicated customer support from real people. Total ease of use. And no limits: users are tired of receiving great pricing offers, only to learn about restrictions on downloads. With ToucanSurf, what you see is what you get. It all adds up to a new service that makes the Internet genuinely easy and puts the consumer back in control.
All ToucanSurf products feature unlimited downloads, to save users the frustration of being disconnected in the middle of transferring large files. Also included are: free broadband modem, free connection, free 24 x 7 customer services and technical support for just 10p-per-minute, seven days a week from 8am until midnight. Customers combining ToucanSurf with the ToucanTalk voice service have the added advantage of seeing their charges conveniently listed on a single monthly bill.