Posted: 30th Mar, 2003 By: MarkJ
Management software firm Websense has become the second outfit to voice its concern about the use of multiplayer (online gaming) features, this time on corporate networks:
If Websense has its way, online gaming will join the list of proscribed workplace Internet activities, including swapping files, instant messaging and accessing personal storage sites as unacceptable security and liability risks. Many of these have been the subject of recent Websense surveys and, in fairness, the company has some valid points about legal liabilities, bandwidth management and security risks inherent in some of these activities.
But part of the rationale for controlling these activities, as expounded by Websense, is that they affect worker productivity. We don't buy this argument.
Rather than trying to control worker behaviour we think it makes more sense to take a look at how productive people actually are and empower them to get the work done as they see fit.It's all a matter of when, where and how much it costs the business network as to whether something should be allowed or not. More @
The Register.