Posted: 17th Mar, 2003 By: MarkJ
BusinessCom Internet has today announced BlueStream Broadband, which is to be responsible for the companys one-way satellite ISP service:
BusinessCom Internet via Satellite has established BlueStream Broadband as its division to promote the new JetStream one-way servicefrom Eutelsat Eurobird satellite at 28.5 degrees East.
Service is aimed at end-users and offers unlimited downloads at speeds up to 2 mbit/s providing guaranteed traffic quota for each month. Prices start at 33.81 EUR per month, there is no need in expensive DVB hardware -- JetStream works with almost any DVB reception devices.
BlueStream should start accepting online orders by the next week.
More information is available at:
BlueStream Broadband Website
http://www.bsbroadband.comWe note the line regarding
unlimited downloads and would urge caution, in the past this terminology has been abused. Its not clear whether the
guarantee covers file-sharing or heavy downloads, well attempt to clarify.