Posted: 07th Mar, 2003 By: MarkJ
David Docherty, the former MD of
Telewest's broadband division, has touted the use of TV Set-Top Boxes (STBs) as a good tool for improving online (multiplayer) gaming:
Linking up handheld computers, gaming consoles, MP3 players and other net-enabled devices to the cable pipe is the next step for debt-laden cable firms, said Dr Docherty in a speech at the FT New Media and Broadcasting conference in London.
"It could change the dynamics of multi-player gaming from geeks on PCs to the mass market," he said. "Everyone knows how obsessive young males are about gaming," he added.
Making the cable pipe smart and ensuring it remains more than a "sub-scale utility" is essential if the cable firms are to shake off their debt and become more than just providers of telephone, Internet and TV services, he said.However beneath the primary focus of the
BBC News Online item we found this, which could signal a worrying change ahead for
blueyonder broadband subscribers:
Dr Docherty also believes that the flat-rate charge for broadband offered for cable companies is unsustainable as the amount of bandwidth users require for things such as music downloads increases.In other words, you either limit the usage or increase the price; most will probably attempt to do both so as not to leave customers trapped (*cough* NTL).
Telewest has so far claimed to have no plans related to the introduction of a cap - yet.