Posted: 21st Mar, 2003 By: MarkJ
The Broadband Stakeholder Group (BSG) has told the government to act quickly (that'll be the day!) and focus on broadband wireless technologies or risk missing their own self-imposed targets:
Firstly, the BSG suggested that a faster and more co-ordinated approach to the roll-out of wireless broadand technologies was essential if coverage is to be extended to rural areas by 2005.
It also advised that the government must move quickly to aggregate funds in order to purchase broadband for health and education departments more efficiently, with the DTI Broadband Task Force set to play a major role in making this happen.
The third suggestion is aimed at improving overall co-ordination - the government should look to establish key 'points of contact' for the various tasks it has set itself to complete by 2005, when it wants the UK to have "the most extensive and competitive broadband market in the G7".The item notes the BSG as pointing out that speed is paramount.