I've been a very happy ICUK customer for a number of years.
I started with a web hosting reseller account and over time transferred my broadband from BT to ICUK followed by two telephone lines ( 1 x BT and 1 x TalkTalk) to ICUK. In all cases I've enjoyed reduced costs and a far superior service.
What do I like most about ICUK…
1. Fair, clear and transparent pricing.
Web hosting reseller package is excellent value and easy to understand and operate.
With BT & TalkTalk phones I had so called 'Free inclusive minutes' but with ICUK I simply pay for what I use which has reduced my bills by around 40%. They also have confidence to offer a minimum 1 month only contract – now that speaks volumes!
Broadband cost are also considerably less than I was paying with BT.
2. Reliable connections and service
It's very rare that I have issues with connections and broadband speed. I very much depend on the internet and phones for business and ICUK simply deliver what I need.
3. Support
Because the service is so good I don't have much need to contact ICUK, but on the odd occasion when I've needed their help by phone or e-mail they always respond quickly and fix any problems with the minimum of delay. Gone are the days of waiting on the line for 30 minutes to speak to someone at BT only to be passed around various departments.
I can't praise ICUK enough I only wish all companies adopted the same fair and honest policy with customers.
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