Posted: 27th May, 2009 By: MarkJ
Small UK ISP
Hi-Velocity, which late last year vanished from the ISPA’s membership list and got itself into hot water over broadband migrations (
news), has now had its broadband supply terminated by
murphx. We have been unable to reach the ISP for comment and, at the time of writing, their website is not loading either.
Customers connecting to the provider have been greeted by a walled garden page, which reads: "
murphx Innovative Solutions Limited (murphx) provided Hi Velocity with your internet services. Your internet access has been suspended." Murphx, which claims to supply the majority of the ISP's customer base, has confirmed the situation.
Speaking in a letter to this morning, murphx's Director, Carl Churchill, said: "I wanted to make you aware of a situation with Hi-Velocity. We yesterday terminated the supply of wholesale broadband services to them for continued breech of our agreement.
We have walled garden their users however I am conscious that certain customers, in particular those that utilise multiple IP's may not be in a position to view the details listed on the walled garden.
We make up the majority of the Hi-Velocity base and note that their website also now appears to have disappeared offline.
I would appreciate if you could put a note on your site asking any users that are affected and are unable to see the walled garden with the relevant details contact us on 08700 349 100 Option 1 to discuss their options.
Many thanks for your assistance."
It's not known precisely which parts of the agreement have been breached, although lack of payment has often been the most common factor in similar situations. Murphx adds that it is working "tirelessly" to mitigate the impact on end users and will be offering customers a number of alternative options.