Posted: 08th Aug, 2009 By: MarkJ
Broadband ISP TalkTalk ( The Carphone Warehouse , AOL UK , Tiscali UK etc. ) has revealed details of its simple new '
Do It Yourself' (DIY)
TuneUp Kit, which provides some of the key items and information you'd need to optimise the broadband line within your home for better connection stability and performance.
So what’s in the TuneUp Kit?
•An iPlate – this is a small piece of metal and plastic that can be easily fitted into your master socket (in between the ‘face plate’ and the wall) and blocks interference. Inside many BT sockets (in about 70% of Britain’s homes) there is an old piece of equipment called a bell wire – the thing that used to give old-fashioned phones their audible ring. These are now useless for the vast majority of people, but generally interfere with the broadband connection. Also in the iPlate is a radio frequency filter that gives greater stability to the signal.
•A filter – this cuts out broadband interference caused by other devices connected to your phone line. You simply put this filter into the phone socket, and then put your laptop or PC plug into the filter.
•We’ve also included a booklet which explains how to install the iPlate and gives 10 top tips for improving the broadband connection you receive at home (for example, "Try not to use more than four phone sockets" and "Choose the best place for your wireless router").
The advice is quite common place and anybody can buy a BT iPlate, although not all linebox's will be able to fit one. Still, many consumers will be unaware of the basics for improving their connection and this could thus be very helpful.
TalkTalk claims that feedback from triallists is very encouraging and suggests that many more customers would indeed benefit from the TuneUp kit. The provider doesn't say precisely when the new kit will become available, only that it will be "