Posted: 23rd Oct, 2009 By: MarkJ

The Carphone Warehouse ( TalkTalk Group ), which finally acquired broadband ISP Tiscali for £236m during the summer, could be facing legal action after a heap of Tiscali's Milton Keynes and Stevenage technical managers were told they might face redundancy.
Claims by The Register suggest that 26 individuals have now taken legal advice for potentially unfair dismissal, which follows a "
bullying" attitude from the new management and a lack of proper redundancy procedures. TalkTalk has been surprised by the news and states that it has "
received no formal claims" from anybody.
We suspect that a lot of angry ex-Tiscali customers will not be shedding too many tears, although it's still a terrible shame to see anybody lose their job in such a way. Sadly such practices are not uncommon in the most cut-price budget driven of companies.