Posted: 02nd Feb, 2010 By: MarkJ

Popular ISP IDNet has dramatically increased the broadband usage allowances of its packages. These include doubling the download allowances of Home PAYG, Home Starter and Home Lite, as well as adding large off-peak allowances to all of their ADSL MAX (up to 8Mbps) services, equating to a 3-fold increase.
IDNet has also increased all the peak and off-peak allowances of its ADSL2+ (up to 24Mbps) packages - doubling them overall. The move, which took effect yesterday, is good news for both new and existing customers alike.
MAX (up-to-8Mbps) packages:
Home PAYG: 2GB peak, 10GB off-peak
Home Lite: 10GB peak, 30GB off-peak
Home Max: 30GB peak, 60GB off-peak
Home SuperMax: 40GB peak, 140GB off-peak
ADSL2+ (up-to-24Mbps) packages:
Home Starter: 4GB peak, 20GB off-peak
Home Plus: 15GB peak, 65GB off-peak
Home Pro: 40GB peak, 140GB off-peak
Home SuperPro: 60GB peak, 300GB off-peak
Business packages:
Business Lite MAX: 40GB
Business Lite ADSL2+: 60GB
Business Priority MAX: 60GB
Business Priority ADSL2+: 120GB
By comparison IDNet's £17.99 Home Plus package originally came with a total (peak and off-peak) download allowance of 40GB (now 80GB). Today's increase makes IDNet look even better value for money than before, especially among BT based rivals, and because of their reputation for quality. We note that off-peak periods are midnight - 9am.