Posted: 06th Apr, 2010 By: MarkJ

Comparison site has released its latest anecdotal monthly broadband speed testing results for March 2010. It shows that the average UK download speed for the largest ten ISPs has fallen slightly from 4.659Mbps in February 2010 to 4.527Mbps now.
As per usual Virgin Media UK continues to dominate the download speed chart with an impressive score of 8.192Mbps, thanks in no small part to its increasingly fast cable ( DOCSIS3 ) based network. Virgin is, as usual, followed by O2 ( Be Broadband ) on a respectable score of 5.355Mbps. The rest of the pack continues to fall somewhat short of both.
Top 10 ISPs for Download Speed
1. Virgin Media – 8.192Mbps
2. O2 ( Be Broadband ) – 5.355Mbps
3. Sky Broadband – 3.829Mbps
4. Orange – 3.443Mbps
5. BT – 3.258Mbps
6. TalkTalk ( Tiscali ) – 3.206Mbps
7. Eclipse Internet – 3.152Mbps
8. PlusNet – 2.817Mbps
9. AOL – 2.372Mbps
10. No unique entry this month
Top 10 ISPs for Upload Speed
1. O2 ( Be Broadband ) - 0.703Mbps
2. Virgin Media - 0.550Mbps
3. Sky Broadband - 0.490Mbps
4. Orange - 0.438Mbps
5. TalkTalk ( Tiscali ) - 0.427Mbps
6. Eclipse Internet - 0.423Mbps
7. BT - 0.389Mbps
8. PlusNet - 0.329Mbps
9. AOL - 0.323Mbps
10. No unique entry this month
The overall average UK upload speed performance once again managed to change very little and recorded a result of 0.465Mbps. O2 ( Be Broadband ) also retained its dominance in uploads with a result of 0.703Mbps.