Posted: 03rd May, 2010 By: MarkJ

Several readers have reported that O2 are beginning to accept registrations for their forthcoming Home Phone (line rental and voice calls) service and broadband ISP bundles. The service is not yet available to the public, though many of those being accepted are known to be existing broadband internet customers.
An O2 Spokesperson confirmed to
"We have started to sell our Home Phone service to customers who have registered on the O2 website. We are offering the service to a small number of customers who are coming to the end of their broadband contracts.
The full launch of O2 Home Phone is coming very soon."
The Home Phone service had originally been due to appear in March, though O2 ended up delaying it until sometime around the end of Spring (May / June). Sure enough, many of those reported to have been offered the service are also being given activation dates in late May.