Posted: 06th Oct, 2010 By: MarkJ

Broadband ISP TalkTalk ( AOL UK , Tiscali , Opal ) has launched a
credit promotion that gives £30 back to new subscribers on either of its '
Essentials' or '
Plus' packages when they join online. It doesn't take a genius to spot that this is almost equal in value to their previous "
FREE Connection" (£29.99) promotion.
TalkTalk Essentials Package (£6.99 per month + £12.04 line rental)
* Download speeds of up to 24Mb
* 40GB download allowance
* Inclusive evening and weekend calls to all UK numbers starting 01/02/03 and 0845/0870.
* FREE wireless router
* Free Magic Desktop - kids educational computer programme
* Free calls to technical and customer support
* 30-day no-quibble trial
* Free voicemail
* Free Calling Circle - choose from 16 UK mobile/local/national and international numbers and get a discount of 10% on call charges
* Free Caller Display with our free Privacy Pack
* One-Off connection fee £29.99
* 18 month minimum contract
TalkTalk Plus Package (£14.99 per month + £12.04 line rental)
* Download speeds of up to 24Mb
* Unlimited download allowance (FUP)
* Unlimited calls to UK landlines, anytime (including 0870/0845 numbers)
* Call UK mobiles for 7p/min flat rate + call connection
* FREE wireless ‘N-class’ router
* Free Magic Desktop - kids educational computer programme
* Free calls to technical and customer support
* 30-day no-quibble trial
* Free voicemail
* Free Calling Circle - choose from 16 UK mobile/local/national and international numbers and get a discount of 10% on call charges
* Free Caller Display with our free Privacy Pack
* One-Off connection fee £29.99
* 18 month minimum contract
The service is currently available to just over 80% of UK homes, although its coverage is expected to improve even further over the next year or two, albeit not by much.