Posted: 02nd Nov, 2010 By: MarkJ

Broadband ISP TalkTalk and sibling Tiscali UK (
TalkTalk Group) have both been given a legal warning by the communications regulator ( Ofcom ) to
stop breaching telecoms rules (General Condition 11.1) after they were found to have issued
bills for services that had not been provided (e.g. continuing to charge ex-users for cancelled products). In some cases
debt collection agencies were even sent out to bully those who refused to pay up, often in error, and frequently damaged credit ratings as a result.
Ofcom's General Condition 11.1 (GC11.1) States:
The Communications Provider shall not render any Bill to an End-User in respect of the provision of any Public Electronic Communications Services unless every amount stated in that Bill represents and does not exceed the true extent of any such service actually provided to the End-User in question.
Regular readers will recall that this had become an almost
common problem with Tiscali, which far too frequently billed customers for services that had long been cancelled. It's likely that TalkTalk inherited some of their bad admin and billing practices with its acquisition in 2009; not that TalkTalk didn't have its own problems to deal with as well.
Ofcom's Legally-Binding Notification Requires Tiscali and TalkTalk to..
* Provide refunds to all consumers who were billed for cancelled services since 1st January 2010;
* Stop debt collection action, and withdrawing from any legal proceedings (if started), against consumers and paying their reasonable legal costs; and
* Taking any necessary steps to repair credit ratings of affected consumers, such as notifying credit reference agencies where relevant.
Both ISPs have now been given a
deadline of 2nd December 2010 to make all necessary changes and comply with Ofcom's rules or they could face further enforcement action, such as a maximum
fine worth up to 10% of the companies turnover.
Ofcom’s Director of Consumer Affairs, Claudio Pollack, said:
"Ofcom is determined to stand up for consumers and take action against companies that break the rules. Our investigation into TalkTalk and Tiscali UK found that they had billed customers for cancelled services; this is unacceptable which is why we have ordered them to clean up their act or face the consequences."
It's understood that Ofcom received
over 1,000 complaints this year alone about the problem and, much as we said in our introduction to this news item, has examples of billing and debt collection errors that span 5 years or possibly more. What's shocking to us is that it took Ofcom this long to act, Tiscali's billing errors are legendary.
In addition the regulator has also suggested several steps that the TalkTalk Group must take in order to prevent future reoccurrences of similar billing mishaps. These include improved staff training, a new monitoring scheme designed to detect errors and the establishment of a new team to handle related complaints.
A TalkTalk Spokesman told
"We identified an issue with the cancellation process for ex-Tiscali customers caused by an error on a legacy billing system. We are resolving this by migrating all ex-Tiscali customers onto one network and billing system which will allow us to process cancellations much more effectively. TalkTalk Group has co-operated fully with Ofcom's investigation and we apologise for the inconvenience caused to this limited group of former customers."
As usual, if you have a problem with your ISP and need to complain then we always recommend reading through our '
ISP Complaints and Advice' section. This explains everything you need to know about tackling such problems and related organisations, such as the ISPA and Ofcom approved ADR complaints handlers.
Ofcom's Investigation into TalkTalk Group’s Bad Billing
UPDATE 9:27amAdded a statement from TalkTalk above.
UPDATE 10:54amConsumer Focus comment.
Consumer Focus said:
"It is shocking that it has taken the intervention of the regulator for Talk Talk and Tiscali UK to play fair with their customers. How hard can it be to stop billing someone when they have cancelled their service - this is the very basics of customer service.
To threaten customers, who have done nothing wrong, with debt collection and legal action is beyond the pale. Companies seem to put a lot of effort into winning new customers and then fall down on looking after them once they are on the books. We trust Talk Talk and Tiscali UK will stop these practices immediately and put everything right as soon as possible."