Posted: 06th Nov, 2010 By: MarkJ

The popular UK
Channel Islands of
Guernsey and
Jersey look set to benefit thanks to a mix of current and future "
super-fast" broadband upgrades (aka - '
Gigabit Isles'), with Guernsey in particular benefitting from a major fibre optic and Mobile Broadband enhancement.
First up is Jersey, which will receive a significant upgrade to its telecoms network between December 2010 and 2012. Customers on
Jersey Telecom,
Sure and
Newtel should see their maximum broadband speeds rise from 8Mbps and reach up to 20Mbps. Some 25% of homes are expected to benefit by December.
The move is part of a huge
Next Generation Network (NGN) investment programme by the
JT Group (JTG), which also owns
Wave Telecom (
Atlas Telecom) on the island of Guernsey. The group plans to spend £11m upgrading its broadband infrastructure, which covers both islands and will run from 2011 until 2016.
The CEO of JT Group, Graeme Millar, said:
"The biggest threat to Wave is standing still. By following this strategy there is a huge opportunity for us to make the Channel Islands into a world class telecommunications hub for Europe, with all the benefit that will flow from that in terms of new opportunities for our staff, and greater economic return to the Islands. We are now well positioned both technically and commercially to make that happen."
The JT Group hopes that its efforts will deliver one of
the world's fastest broadband networks in Guernsey, which will see further fibre optic development efforts over the next few years. Island trials of the HOME fibre optic service are expected to begin in early 2011.
Guernsey will also benefit from an enhancement to its existing Mobile Broadband infrastructure, which should push the maximum HSPA speed from 7.2Mbps to 14.4Mbps before the end of this year. However it's not clear what kind of average speeds customers already experience; similar upgrades in the UK have produced no perceivable benefit, with average speeds remaining at only a little over 1Mbps.