Posted: 04th Dec, 2010 By: MarkJ

Broadband ISP
Andrews & Arnold ( AAISP ) has announced that its customers will benefit from
unmetered broadband use over the Christmas holiday week, which will run from 25th December 2010 to 3rd January 2011 inclusive.
AAISP Statement
Once again Christmas week (25th Dec to 3rd Jan inclusive) is unmetered for broadband use (BT & BE lines), listed as a special Christmas rate on the usage stats.
Our offices will be closed for weekends and public holidays as usual, with informal volunteer support by irc, text, etc, and on-call staff for major outages as normal.
There will be reduced support during the 3 working days of Christmas week so please be patient, and we recommend email, text, irc, rather than calling during those days.
KC ( Karoo ) announced a similar scheme for Hull only a couple of days earlier and other ISPs are sure to follow. Credit to Thinkbroadband for spotting the news.