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Ofcom UK to Release 2010MHz Radio Spectrum Band for Mobile Broadband

Posted: 16th Feb, 2011 By: MarkJ
uk 2010MHz mobile broadbandofcom ukThe communications regulator has today released the results of its May 2010 consultation on the potential applications for unused wireless radio spectrum in the 2010-2025MHz band. Ofcom UK concluded from this that the spectrum could be used for Mobile Broadband services in the longer term.

As a result, Ofcom intends to award the spectrum through a competitive (auction) process and will consult on the details of an award as soon as practicable. It's amazing to think that the regulator first proposed such a release all the way back in 2006 (old 2010MHz band release news). The wheels of progress spin very slowly.

Until then wireless cameras and Programme Making and Special Events (PMSE) services will be given "temporary access" to use it during the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in specific locations.

Ofcom Statement

We received 7 non-confidential and 3 confidential responses. Some stakeholders confirmed demand for the band for wireless cameras and argued in favour of its allocation to PMSE but others produced evidence of demand for mobile broadband services, and argued implicitly or explicitly in favour of a competitive award. Evidence of demand for mobile services has also come from the German spectrum auction in May 2010, in which the 2010 MHz band was acquired for 5.7m.There was little support for making the band available on a licence-exempt basis.

These factors suggest that the opportunity cost associated with reserving the band for PMSE would be greater than we had supposed. Consequently, in line with our general approach to spectrum management, we now consider that it possible that it would be more beneficial to release the spectrum through a competitive award. The details of this award will be the subject of a future consultation.

Ofcom now intends to consult further on a detailed award process, although the "earliest feasible date" for such an award of the related band is around 12 months from now (Q1 2012).
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