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Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire UK Publish Broadband Rollout Map

Monday, Sep 30th, 2013 (7:28 am) - Score 1,058

The CSW Broadband project, a partnership of eight local authorities which aims to ensure that BT’s fibre optic based broadband (FTTC/P) coverage is extended to 92% of Coventry, 96% of Solihull and 91% of Warwickshire (overall 91% will get speeds of 24Mbps+) by spring 2016, has published an updated rollout map.

The maps and graphs on CSW’s website have all been generally updated to indicate the additional areas that are currently under investigation for the installation of BT’s FTTC/P network. The map’s WHITE AREAS are still “awaiting funding” and in the meantime can expect to receive speeds of between 2Mbps and up to 24Mbps, while GREY AREAS represent existing commercial coverage.


Meanwhile the AMBER AREAS reflect the locations that can expect to receive superfast broadband (25Mbps+) speeds. A more detailed set of maps will be published once Openreach and the council have concluded their initial investigative work. The first areas to be named for phase one of CSW’s rollout will be revealed “around” the end of 2013.

The original deal was signed in June 2013 (here) and CSW are now looking at how they could achieve the EU’s target for 100% coverage of 30Mbps+ speeds by 2020.

csw broadband map
By Mark Jackson
Mark is a professional technology writer, IT consultant and computer engineer from Dorset (England), he also founded ISPreview in 1999 and enjoys analysing the latest telecoms and broadband developments. Find me on X (Twitter), Mastodon, Facebook, BlueSky, Threads.net and .
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