Popular Rochdale-based ISP Zen Internet, which say they believe in putting “people before profits“, has this week published a new customer charter for all their residential and small business subscribers. This sets out a range of service commitments and promises to their users.
Admittedly a lot of the customer charters we see tend to read like idealistic marketing spin and there is an element of that within Zen’s document, which in fairness would be quite difficult to avoid since nobody deliberately sets out to do the opposite and give customers a bad service (no doubt our readers could think of a few other ISPs that come very close to that 🙂 ).
However Zen have tended to always deliver a generally high level of service and support quality, which usually results in the vast majority of their customers being satisfied (more than we can say for some of the biggest ISPs). In keeping with that their new charter is said to be based around three core service principles: 1) Outstanding customer care, 2) Personal service and, 3) Thinking ahead. But in some areas Zen also goes a lot further..
Zen’s Four Service Promises
1. We will do our very best to keep you connected.
* Our advanced network: We invest millions of pounds in our own network infrastructure in order to continue improving the quality and robustness of your connection.
* Free (loan) WiFi hotspot devices: In the event of a fault or delay in installation, we will provide you with a free 4G wifi hotspot loan device with a reasonable amount of complimentary data to keep you connected.
* Post-installation connection check-back: We manage your on-boarding process and will carry out a post installation ‘connectivity health check’ to make sure your line is working as it should be.
2. We will make things as simple and convenient for you as we can.
* Easy to reach: Our technical support team can be reached via one phone number – quick to find and easy to reach. Online chat, call back requests and email are all additional tools to help you get in touch with us whenever you need to.
* Keep things simple: We will cut the jargon and explain the features and pricing of our products clearly and simply, so that we can offer the right solution for your needs (and nothing more).
* Support anytime, anywhere: Our customer portal provides 24/7 access to a library of guides, articles and self-help tools to enable you to get the best from your service.
3. Nobody will work harder on your behalf.
* Our personal commitment: We will take personal responsibility when you need our help.
* Our technical support team don’t read from scripts: they are experts in their own right who take the time to understand your issue and work to help make your life easier.
* We will reimburse you: We were one of the first broadband providers to sign up to the auto-compensation charter – so if you don’t get the service you pay for, you can expect financial compensation from Zen (from early 2019). Contact us when you need to. You can even send a letter to our friendly CEO. Richard founded Zen in 1996 and stills runs our business overall.
4. We are there to help make things right.
* Our service guarantee: Our service guarantee gives you two weeks (after purchase) to cancel your contract if you are not happy with the service you receive, or change your mind. In addition, our speed guarantee lets you end your contract at any point if you’re not getting the speeds that were promised when you signed up for the service.
* Our guarantee for your router: Uniquely, we operate a lifetime guarantee on your router. If your router breaks, we aim to despatch a brand new one within one working day of the issue being reported.
* Our service commitment to you: When things go wrong we will do our best to resolve the problem quickly and without fuss. If we fall short of your expectations please let us know. As part of our service promise we will escalate your issue and make sure it is addressed quickly and completely.
In many ways Zen’s charter is highlighting some of the things that they’ve already been doing, which people may not know about but now they will (e.g. support for Ofcom’s automatic compensation scheme, providing a free 4G WiFi hotspot loan device during delayed installs or faults etc.). The full Customer Charter is available to download below.
Zen’s Customer Charter (PDF)
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