Posted: 02nd Apr, 2007 By: MarkJ
We've just uploaded a new monthly poll, which asks: "
What computer operating system do you use?". Results from the previous one can be found below:
Has your ISP's support quality improved over the past year?
Worse - 56.7%
Same - 18.2%
Not Used / Uncertain - 13.6%
Better - 11.3%
Total Votes = 909
The survey mirrors that of many others done towards the end of 2006 and early 2007, the majority of which have found that support quality continues to worsen. Roughly 57% agreed.
Still, despite 14% not knowing either way, 11% actually found the opposite and believed support to have improved. The remaining 18% saw no obvious change either way, yet the overall trend continues to be downwards.
Ofcoms new migration rules have caused some ISPs to be more cautious about the quality of their service, although whether this translates into a tangible improvement remains to be seen. We wont know for sure until the end of this year.