Posted: 26th Sep, 2005 By: MarkJ
ISP Lixxus has launched a campaign offering firms a Double Money Back Guarantee on any business migrating to their LixxFlex ADSL broadband packages:
With the introduction of MAC numbers migrations are in most cases seamless and if they dont save money Lixxus will refund twice the difference.
Unlike other Broadband providers, the Lixxus model, already successfully applied to its consumer users, is truly a 'pay for what you download' option. Lixxus research shows that the typical small business only uses the internet for general surfing and email and in most cases does not generate a large amount of traffic. Businesses like these pay far too much for their fixed-fee Broadband and ultimately subsidise an ISPs heavier consumers users, using services such as peer2peer networks and gaming online.
This is not so of Lixxus business customers. Of the SMEs already using Lixxus, 80% saved up to 60% on the costs of their broadband connection.
Package details are as follows:
LixxFlex500 (512K-20:1) £19.99
LixxFlex1000 (1Mb-20:1) £25.99
LixxFlex2000 (2Mb-20:1) £35.99
* Free Migration
* Optional Free regrade up to the fastest speed possible
Lixxus are due to launch VoIP and 8Mb ADSL nationwide and will be offering existing users free regrades. The savings to be made by using VoIP are tremendous with internet technology delivering telephone calls at very low cost.
As Broadband specialists, Lixxus focus on what they do best to deliver what their customers want: Customer service, savings, speed and reliability ensuring that Lixxus customers remain loyal.
For further information please visit