Posted: 10th Aug, 2007 By: MarkJ
We've just uploaded a new monthly poll to the front page, which asks: "
How many computers share your HOME Internet connection?". Results from the previous months survey can be found below:
Over the past 2 years, how many times have you swapped broadband ISP?
Never - 41.5%
Once - 29.7%
Twice - 12.4%
Over three times! - 7.2%
Three times - 4.8%
I dont have broadband - 4%
Total Votes = 1044
Interestingly nearly 42% of people questioned had chosen to stick with their existing provider, yet a growing number are voting with their feet (30%) and opted to switch at least once during the past 2 years. Most strikingly of all though is that 7% felt the need to change ISP more than three times during the period!
Consumer satisfaction with providers has been falling over the past 12 months and
Ofcoms new migration rules have made it easier to change provider, fuelling a desire to find better ISPs.