Posted: 17th Sep, 2008 By: MarkJ
Sky Broadband has been voted best overall provider in a half yearly broadband satisfaction survey of the country's seven largest providers by
BroadbandChoices and
Point Topic, though
O2 (
Be Broadband) would have been included and come nearer the top had its sample size been bigger.
The survey itself combined measurements of the following factors: Quality & Stability of Your Home Internet Service, Download Time of Files & Web Pages, The Clarity of Pricing & Billing, After Sales Support, Good Value for Money and Speed of Service Activation:
O2 (
Be Broadband) been included then it would have won a massive 94% for Fairly/Very Satisfied in
Overall quality and reliability (Sky 86%; AOL 67%) and an impressive 79% for
After sales support (some 12% more than Sky and 37% more than
Its interesting to note the widening gap of satisfaction between the top and bottom providers. Sadly the survey did not include results from smaller providers, which often have quality capable of eclipsing the big boys.