Posted: 05th Oct, 2008 By: MarkJ
Scotsman reports that unofficial estimates have put the cost of the governments new Communications Data Bill, which requires Internet and Telephone providers to log basic customer voice, web and email activity for up to one year, at approximately £12bn!
The Home Office doesn't recognise the £12bn figure some have associated with the system, though they have already allocated £1bn to help the central intelligence agency (GCHQ) finance its initial stage of development.
It's understood that ministers have already agreed in principle to the system, with further details expected to be revealed this month and in the Queen's Speech. ISPreview's '
ISPs Raise Concerns Over Data Retention' article contains a more detailed run down of what is likely to be implemented and how you will be affected by it.
The system wouldnt be as much of a concern if only the most trusted elements of our security services had access to it; unfortunately everything from local councils, the NHS and even the Post Office will be able to request sensitive private communication records.